𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏 - 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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Hermione woke from her slumber and didn't know where she was.
She looked around until the familiarity of the cottage started to remind her brain what had happened last night. That's right, Malfoy had brought her here. She was staying here because there had been an infiltration of Death Eaters at the ministry. They had ransacked her office, probably trying to find information that must've threatened them. Was she right about the last lead then? But she was sure that her lead wasn't leading her to anything. Did they perhaps figure out that she was on their tails? Did they feel threatened? If so.. then.. they didn't want her information, they wanted her.

A shiver ran down her spine as she sat up in the bed. She was suddenly glad that Malfoy brought her to a place that nobody knew about except for them. At least she was safe here, for now.


Darn she had teased him too much yesterday. She thought she could just anger him so he would leave, but she could've known from her past experience with him; that this imprudent plan would never work. Perhaps that's what she wanted? Yes, she had angered him and he had taken it out on her, hard. Just thinking about it made her blush and something tugged inside her stomach that created an immediate wetness between her thighs.

She quickly got out of the bed and pulled on her thong and brassiere. She didn't have any other clothes except for the dress she had been wearing last night. Muggles would call it the walk of shame if she appeared in her evening attire in the morning. She wondered where Malfoy was though, perhaps in the shower?

She peeked around the door into the cottage. There was nobody there and she didn't hear any water running. Incredibly self-conscious about her lack of clothing she creeped towards the kitchen and listened. She was alone.

She frowned, where could Malfoy have gone? She scanned the room with her eyes to maybe find a glimpse or an oddity to reveal where he might've gone, but there was nothing. Suddenly her eyes were drawn to a piece of parchment on the kitchen island in front of her. She grabbed it from its surface and started to quickly read the scribbled note that he apparently had left her.

He'll be back tonight? He wasn't to be disturbed? Who the hell did he think he was, the king of Switzerland? Again she frowned at her thoughts, did Switzerland have a king? She had to find out later.

She started pacing through the room. She wasn't going to wear the evening dress again, she could hardly put it on herself, and it would undoubtedly look out of place. She strode into the bedroom and opened the wardrobe. It was completely empty save for extra bed linen that was orderly folded on the top shelf. She pulled one of the white sheets out and gave it a sceptical look, perhaps she could transfigure it into a dress for the time being?

She grabbed her wand from the nightstand where she'd left it last night, and gave it a wave. The sheet in her hand turned into an elegant knee length flowy white dress, the dress itself was fine, but the colour was certainly not. Her black underwear would be clearly visible through the white material. She gave her wand another wave, blue? No, she didn't feel like it should be blue. Another wave, green? The emerald colour was stunning, but it reminded her too much of a certain Slytherin. She shook the thought and settled on a beautiful burgundy. She accio'd her silver heels and transfigured them gold. There, the perfect Gryffindor combination. It was cliché but she kind of liked it.

When she slipped the items on, she started to feel anxious. She knew she should probably wait for Malfoy to apparate to the apartment, but there was another pressing issue at the moment. She needed a contraceptive potion. She knew she luckily still had a few of them in her bathroom cupboard at the apartment. They pretty much worked the same as the muggle morning after pill, it wasn't a pleasant potion but it did its job.

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