𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 - 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞

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Draco smirked to himself, he knew she was thinking about having sex with him now. This was too good. He had carefully eased her into it, and now she couldn't think about anything else.

She would surely leave him alone in the cottage now wouldn't she? He was too pushy towards her, and she was a goody-two-shoes. This would definitely send her packing.

He thought about her breakdown. He never thought that dear old Weaselbee would be unfaithful if he had Granger. Who in their right mind would even think about another woman...- wait stop.

What was this?

He quickly shook the thought. That was not what he wanted. Was it? He just wanted to have some fun with her, to get her to leave him alone right?


He felt bad for her though. He knew she had already gone through a lot with the war and aunt Bellatrix torturing her. He had read about it in the Daily Prophet at the time when the golden trio did an interview on their past year. Now it seemed her own husband didn't want her anymore. She didn't deserve that, and the Weasel didn't sure as hell deserve her.

Draco had his fair share of affairs, some with married women too. It took his mind off other things that he liked to forget. He didn't have it easy either the last few years. He fortunately built up an empire in real estate, he had invested in a few projects that turned out to be good investments in the end.

But his personal life, his family. It was all too dramatic and he'd rather not think about it too much, but sometimes it came back to haunt him. For instance, he was forced to visit his father once a month in Azkaban as a part of his sentence. It was not just a visit either, it was a threat from the ministry, he could easily end up there with one single misdemeanour. His sentence was a lot less heavier than he expected it to be in the first place. He thought he was going straight to Azkaban, but Potter had stood up for him. That was something he never expected, because he had bullied him relentlessly at Hogwarts. It seemed that everyone really had changed after the war.

He stared at Granger, her eyes were still a little red from the crying she did before. Of course he knew she cried, she tried to hide it but he wasn't blind. It was that stupid Gryffindor pride of her. Even if he didn't want her around right now, he couldn't help but feel some sympathy for her. He wasn't heartless, even if others probably described him as such.

She stood up, still blushing to get her baked food out of the oven. She didn't say anything to him and averted her eyes. Draco grinned, she was trying so hard, but he saw all the signs that she started to want him. How long did he have to push her so that she would actually come to her senses and leave him alone?

'So, you want to bet?' he asked again. He wasn't done teasing her with that yet.

Granger turned around with the hot dish in her hands. She looked like one of those muggles he'd seen in an advertisement about stoves and he raised his eyebrows.

'How muggle-modern of you.' he smirked and she glared at him, though she smiled at the same time. That was something only she did, it was her sarcasm face.

'What are the stakes?' she said as she set the dish down and took off the oven mitts.

Draco smiled evilly, she was actually going along with this? This meant he had to push her even further.

'If you manage to resist me until tomorrow morning, I will leave and you will have the cottage to yourself for a week.' he said.

'And..' she started softly as the blush crept back on her face. 'I-If I don't?" he saw that the mere thought of it somehow excited her, and he bit his bottom lip as he let his eyes wander over her body. That seemed to make it even worse for her and he smirked.

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