𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖 - 𝐅𝐮𝐫𝐲

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Draco was still trying to find out who the bastard was that got ahold of his property. He didn't have any luck so far. It annoyed him, he couldn't possibly think of someone that could afford it. Greengrass and himself were the domineering business men of the wizarding world.

He hadn't seen Granger anymore, perhaps she went home after what happened upstairs. Maybe she was tired? She had enough on her plate with that trainwreck Weasel-Bee anyhow.

He frowned.

Why was he thinking of her well-being? She was nothing more than a fuck right? It was casual, no strings attached. Just a bit of fun.

Perhaps he felt sorry for her, with her situation and all.. was it misplaced empathy? He honestly didn't know. What he did know was that he wasn't looking for anything serious. Serious things were always bound to become complicated and worrisome.

Draco Malfoy didn't like 'complicated', not even the word itself.

He exhaled loudly, she was fucking with his head.

'May I have your attention,' started Schacklebolt from up on the stage. 'The fundraiser is nearing its end tonight, and I'd like to thank everyone for coming. The items that were listed for auction have all been sold. The statue by Rodin has been sold for twenty thousand Galleons, which makes it the most expensive auctioned item!' Everyone started to applaud and Draco absentmindedly scanned the audience.

Shacklebolt continued on about how wonderful this fundraiser had been and that it went smoothly without any calamities. Of course that was a flat-out lie and Draco started to wonder what else he might've lied about? Was this prime minister as honest and good as he made himself out to be? Then again, it was Granger who wiped everyone's memory like an earth shattering fury; as if she stepped out of an ancient myth to enact her wrath. The word 'furious' suddenly implied a different connotation.

Granger was the actual culprit, she was the villain. He suddenly wondered why she was put in Gryffindor in the first place. She'd make a fine Slytherin.

There was another applause and Draco's thoughts were interrupted. He cleared his throat and wondered why he was thinking about her again, so he turned around and went to find his friends.

When he found them he raised his eyebrows in surprise. Blaise was completely plastered. He was in a worse state than Weasley, if that was even possible, and kept poking Pansy. It seemed to annoy her, but it was probably the only attention she received this evening as she didn't do anything about it. This made the entire situation even more pathetic. He noticed Theo talking to Daphne and her eyes were sparkling as she was amicably talking about something with him.

Draco decided that Theo and Daphne were probably the better choice, and slowly walked towards them.

'Ah Drake!' said Theo happily. 'Have you figured out who managed to snatch your building right from under your nose?'

'Thanks for reminding me that I'm a failure Nott.' said Draco sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. 'No, nobody seems to know anything.'

'Perhaps it's someone who doesn't do business with them?' asked Daphne. 'The circle of businessmen in the wizarding world isn't that grand.'

'I can't imagine who would have such an abundant amount of money.' he sighed. 'I've made a deal with the owner for a shit-ton of Galleons, he now wants double, which means that someone offered him more than I did for that piece of crap.'

'Isn't it going to be a children's hospital wing for St Mungo's?' asked Theo, raising a sceptical eyebrow.

'Yes, but right now it's still a piece of crap.' muttered Draco as he averted his eyes.

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