𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚

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It had been two weeks since their tryst at the cottage, but Draco couldn't get her off his mind. The fact that she had let herself go completely had surprised him. He thought that at some point she would've run away from him, apparated somewhere else or something. Instead she made him succumb to her needs. She had demanded the same answers that he asked her with such confidence, that he wasn't able to restrain himself.

He smirked, he wasn't going to easily forget about her.

The note she left him, he wondered, did he enjoy his week alone? The truth was, he actually didn't. When he noticed that she was gone the next morning the cottage had felt empty. He was soon bored out of his mind and didn't even bother staying for the entire week. He did contact the owner of the cottage a few days after, and bought it on a whim. The owner asked for too much money, it wasn't even worth that much, but Draco didn't care. He didn't even know why he bought it, perhaps he was becoming sentimental?

Yeah right.

At the moment he was working at his desk, he'd made a few phone calls this morning to invest in a children's hospital. St. Mungo's was still the primary hospital for a wizard's malady, but it had been nearly destroyed in the war. Some parts of the hospital were still inaccessible three years later.

Draco had invested in a building nearby to at least open up a wing for the children, to open a children's hospital. The mark that the war had left on the wizarding world was huge, the economy had received such a blow that some wizarding families were still financially struggling.

His muggle corded phone rang on his desk which interrupted his thoughts. He saw that it was line one, that meant that his secretary had a message for him.

'Yes Florence?' he spoke into the receiver. Florence was a muggle, she didn't know he was a wizard nor did she know about the wizarding world. She was crushing hard on him though. Even if he said he was secretly a purple monkey on the weekends, she would probably nod and believe him as long as she could stare at him with those hearts in her eyes.

'Mr Nott and Mr Zabini are here to see you.' she said dreamily.

'Alright thanks darling, send them in.' he said to her with a flirtatious grin. He could perfectly envision her dreamy eyes at that moment.

'Will do Mr M.' she said and she hung up.

Draco leaned back in his office chair and waited for his friends to enter his office on the top floor. Within minutes they both burst through the door.

He hadn't told them anything about Granger and what had happened between them, well apart from the picture he'd send them. They had made it their life's mission to find out what had exactly happened between them, but Draco refused to tell them. Normally he would talk about the affairs he had, you know, to compare the women with his friends. But Granger.. No, she was private and he wanted to keep it secret.

'Ooohh Mr M.' said Theo in the same dreamy way as Florence did. 'Please bend me over the desk and take me now Mr M.' He pretended to faint and Draco chuckled.

'Drake!' yelled Zabini completely ignoring Theo's theatricals as he rushed towards Draco and pushed him out of his way.

Theo yelped but Blaise wasn't really interested in him at the moment. Draco raised his eyebrows. Was there something wrong?

Blaise was a typical rich boy, he had a wealthy mother and owned a few estates up north. He worked with Draco at Malfoy Enterprises and was head of the administrative department. Theo worked as a barman in the club Malfoy owned, it was in downtown London called the Blastended Skrewt and it was invisible for muggles.

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