𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓 - 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫

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Hermione had never felt like this before.

Ron had never kissed her like this, not even when they managed to get the basilisk's tooth in the chamber of secrets during the final battle. This was something else entirely, Malfoy was a great kisser and it made her knees feel weak. He had his hands in her hair, moving it through her curls, and it drove her to the brink of her sanity. She could hardly even think, which she knew was dangerous at the moment.

She had managed to resist him the entire evening, but now.. she couldn't. He played dirty tricks, like the Slytherin he was. He knew exactly what he was doing to her and it angered her, it angered her that her body wanted him.

Was she really that weak? He was the bloody enemy, that's what he was, and she shouldn't be feeling like this!

She tried to push him away again, but he lifted her up and placed her bottom on the counter. He pushed his lower body against hers and she gasped when they collided.

'Stop.. Hm-Malfoy!' she managed to say as she tried to push him away again.

'Let go.' he growled again, his lips left her mouth and he left a trail of kisses that led down into her neck. She involuntarily let out a soft moan, which made him suddenly pull away in surprise.

It was as if she smacked him in the face.

'What was that?' he said with a raised eyebrow. 'Did Miss Hermione Granger moan because of me?'

Hermione glared at him. It was another dirty trick of him kissing her like that! Her confused feelings suddenly turned into a full blown rage. She started to punch him on his rock hard chest, not that she expected him to feel anything.

Suddenly there was a flash and a loud rumble. Hermione stopped punching him immediately. Her heart started to beat faster as she carefully listened. Another flash lit up the kitchen followed closely by a loud thundering sound.

She hated thunderstorms, ever since she was a child she was scared of them. Her mother once told her that her great aunt was struck by lightning and died instantly. Ever since she heard that story, she had been afraid of them.

Malfoy raised his eyebrows as he stared at the trembling figure before him. He gallantly stepped backwards and Hermione shakily got off the counter. Then the power went out and they were both completely covered in darkness. Hermione yelped in surprise and she grabbed the first thing that was nearest to her, which so conveniently was Malfoy's shirt.

He immediately snaked both of his arms around her, his big, strong muscled arms, and pulled her into his chest. She didn't protest; she was far too frightened to even think coherently.

'Scared Granger?' he asked. She expected him to make fun of her, but it was an honest question.

She didn't answer him, she didn't have to; because the next flash and thunder sounded and she frightfully embraced him back. Her arms were around him, she closed her eyes and pressed her face flat against his chest.

Malfoy remained where he stood, he didn't say anything, he didn't annoy her or played one of his dirty tricks. He was just there. Just standing there in the kitchen, holding her.

Hermione was shaking, it was so irrational to be afraid of thunderstorms. Being struck by lightning was a very slim chance, she knew it was; because she had done the maths. Still, she knew that all people had at least one irrational fear, and she was actually happy that she wasn't alone right now. That made her feel a little pathetic though, because it meant she'd rather have Malfoy around right now.

She was confused. She didn't want to be but she was.

Malfoy was supposed to be a jerk, not the greatest kisser she had ever had the pleasure of kissing. He was supposed to be her enemy, and she should hate him. Not a hot guy that she accidentally grinded against on the floor and made him moan because of it. He was on Voldemort's side! She shouldn't forget that. He was not supposed to instil these feelings inside her-wait feelings?

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