𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 - 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬

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Hermione was not prepared for any of this.

He was teasing her again! And what was even worse, her body was reacting to it!

She knew it had been months, maybe even up to a year since Ron had touched her last, she occupied her time with work most of the time.

She didn't know why she was reacting to Malfoy like this either, she was so confused. Maybe he was just able to push her buttons at the right time? Was this something that he had mastered over the years? She wondered for a brief moment how many women he had been with.

She tried to ignore him, she thought that would probably be the best strategy. Just ignore him, don't look at him, don't acknowledge him and-

Suddenly he was behind her. She had sat down on the stool again to finish her pizza, he was standing right behind her with his mouth dangerously close to her ear.

Ignore him, Hermione!

He bent over and grabbed another slice of her bloody damn pizza. That infuriated her even more, because this was not the plan! She thought she could make him feel frustrated with her by eating a pizza in front of him, as he did with his eggs! But it backfired!

'Thanks love.' he purred softly in her ear and Hermione was about to pass out. There was a shiver that ran down her spine like a tidal wave. Why did her body betray her like that!

She was married, she was somebody's wife. She had to keep control over her body, she was a strong woman. She was with Ron, she should remember that. She married Ron.

And he's having an affair behind your back.

The voice in her head had a point, but it didn't matter. She was someone's wife and a married woman shouldn't behave herself like this, even if her husband didn't care for her. It was outrageous and highly inappropriate.

She heard Malfoy smirk on the couch, he loved to tease her that was for sure. He was an enormous tease, a playboy, and it seemed he obviously wanted to have her between the sheets. She had heard the rumours, the ex-Death Eater was crowned sexiest man in the tabloids of the wizard's society at the moment. He could probably have any woman that he desired, but she was definitely not going to be another of his conquests.

Absolutely not.

She had to remember that he was on Voldemort's side once, that he bullied her and her friends, that he once was a part of Umbridge's inquisitorial squad. That he used to call her a mudblood.

She ignored him again and continued to eat as much of the pizza as she possibly could. Malfoy was clearly enjoying himself as he was watching her.

'Careful Granger, your stomach might explode.' he smirked but Hermione just gave him the finger which made him laugh even more.

There was a tap on the kitchen window. Hermione looked up from her pizza and noticed a scruffy little owl perched on the windowsill. She recognised the owl immediately and groaned audibly, inadvertently arousing Malfoy's interest. She opened the window and the little owl hopped onto the counter outstretching its little leg. There was a small parchment roll strapped onto its leg.

Really? A note? She thought to herself. That's all he could spare?

She unfolded the note and the owl hopped back onto the windowsill. Her eyes quickly scanned the page, she exhaled loudly and burnt the page with a swift 'incendio'.

'You can go now, I'm not sending anything back.' she said to the owl and it flew away immediately.

'A love note?' asked Malfoy who was suddenly behind her again. He pretended to put away a plate by intentionally brushing past her with his body. She felt his rock hard chest pressed against her back, but she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of letting him know that it affected her, even if he probably knew it did.

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