𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎 - 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬

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Granger was blushing at him. She was redder than crimson, probably still because of the alcohol, but he was annoyed. He had been sleeping in his warm bed, under his expensive Egyptian cotton sheets and then the fucking candle started hissing at him.

The worst thing was, it was a squirrel! She had summoned him out of bed for a bloody squirrel!

'You said if I needed you around for any reason.' she tried defending herself. 'I thought- Maybe they- I was afraid, Malfoy!'

'Great war heroine Hermione Granger, fought Death Eaters and rode a dragon, but is afraid of a damn squirrel.' he mocked. 'Colloportus.' The door locked itself and he strode into the bedroom. Granger followed him in apprehension, but he didn't care. He extinguished the hissing black flame of the clear-connection candle, threw the duvet back and got in the bed, waiting for Granger to join him or whatever.

'What do you think you're doing?' she snapped at him, magically lighting all the other candles in the room. 'Go back home!'

'I won't' he said as he simply stared at her. 'This is your punishment for waking me up for a damn squirrel. You can either get in, or kindly fuck off to the couch and get spooked by other forest rodents.'

She scowled at him, strode over to the bed herself and slipped inside. She pulled all the blankets off him and wrapped herself inside them like a caterpillar hiding in a cocoon.

It was so childish.

He huffed angrily. 'Granger,' he warned but he only heard a muffled sound coming from under the pile of blankets. 'Speak up.' he demanded as he grabbed hold of a corner of the duvet and pulled hard, unfortunately pulling her half on top of him. She held her breath as her eyes widened at him, he curiously stared into her golden eyes that reminded him of his favourite drink. Was she called the golden girl because of her eyes? Because that suddenly made sense to him.

Oh shut up, you sap.

He grinned at her, maybe a little hungry, perhaps a little evil. 'Why Granger, are you forcing yourself on me?' he teased and his teasing remark was instantly answered with a glare. She quickly rolled off him and turned around, her back facing him. He snorted a laugh and wanted to roll away from her too when he noticed she was still wearing the dress from the gala.

'Aren't you uncomfortable still wearing that?' he asked her. The question was out of his mouth before he could think twice.

He glanced at her back. The zipper of her dress was beckoning him to slide it down, to touch her warm soft skin underneath. But he wouldn't.

He wasn't going to interfere any more than necessary with this witch. When all the wards were up tomorrow, she had her Crankshook or whatever and all her stuff, then she could sort herself out and he could finally leave. She was a grown woman with connections, she didn't need him as she so aptly stated, and he sure as hell didn't need her.

He realised that even though they were sexually attracted to each other, they were still at odds. He was still an ex-Death Eater in her eyes, an enemy. She was still the boring goody-two-shoes and the golden girl to him. It wouldn't change between them, he knew that. It was fine, she could stay in his cottage, he would let her, he just wouldn't be there with her unnecessarily.

Perhaps he could ask her for rent?

'Yes.' she answered and Draco blinked. He had asked her a question, but he couldn't remember what he'd asked her. Her answer had taken so damn long that his mind was blank. 'Can you..' she started, still not facing him. 'Can you unzip me?'

Oh right, the dress.

Draco tentatively reached out to her and grabbed ahold of the zipper. His fingers grazed the skin on her back and he noticed that she shivered when he accidentally touched her. Her shiver went straight to his cock.

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