Evil Stepmother

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The rose lingered in Hermione's fingers, twisting slightly as she headed back to the family home and the sitting room, her fingers carefully avoiding the thorns as she did so.

"The fact you're able to use magic doesn't change anything," Ursula said upon her arrival, resulting in Hermione letting out a deep breath, the rose still clutched in her fingers as she took in her step-mother waiting for her in the sitting room while Hermione's sisters, both step and half sat in the chairs around the tea table. "And did you have to mess up Ethel's big day?"

"Mother," Esme said, her voice firm, drawing Ursula's ire, yet the woman said nothing and instead gave her daughter a dirty look, indicating she disliked being challenged. "How is any of this her fault? Nothing was in Hermione's control?"

"She could have been born a squib, and we wouldn't even be having this conversation, would we?"

Hermione took a deep breath, holding out her hand. "My letter?"

Ursula let out a sniff. "And why should I give you the letter? After all, why does Regulus need to know you received a letter at all? What need do you..." Her stepmother looked her up and down, "Half-breed that you are, need to learn magic?"

"Mother!" Esme said, the color draining from her face, while Ethel nodded in agreement with what their mother said.

"Now that I think of it," Ursula said, jerking her head slightly, her mouth twisting into a cruel smile. "It's actually fortunate the letters arrived while Regulus is away on business, so we don't have to worry about you sullying his good name."

"What are you talking about?" Hermione said, her hands clenching, forgetting she'd held the rose in one hand.

"Marrying your mother was a fairytale in that head of his, but he knew the kind of mistake marrying her..."

"My mother wasn't a mistake!" Hermione said, her hand clenching the rose tighter. The lights in the room started to flicker slightly, her breath drawing in, resulting in her sucking on her bottom lip in frustration. Ethel tensed, looking at the lights in fear as Sybil tilted her head in confusion.

Ethel though—

"Mother!" Ethel snapped, and Ursula turned her head. "Hermione, not learning magic is out of the question!" She moved her hand, indicating the lights as they started calming down. "She needs to learn to control her magic, but father—father will insist she attend Hogwarts because he'll eventually find out she can use magic."

"Why does she need to learn magic?" Ethel sniffed as Ursula swallowed, looking at her second daughter nervously.

"Because the accidental use of magic can be dangerous," Esme said, looking at her mother sternly.

"Is Hermione going to Hogwarts as well?" Sybil asked, turning her small lip into a pout. "I'll be able to attend Hogwarts with all my sisters?"

Ursula melted at that moment, turning to her youngest, a smile appearing on her face, her hands crossing elegantly, pretending that the conversation that had occurred moments before hadn't. "Of course, dear!"

Ethel let out a sound of disgust, muttering, "Mother's favorite."

Ursula let out a small sniff, glaring first at Ethel, then turning her attention towards Hermione again. "I guess I can let you attend Hogwarts."

"Let me?" Hermione said.

"Hermione?" Esme said, looking concerned. "Your hand."

Hermione's eyes blinked, and then she looked down, swallowing as her older step-sister stood up, stepping over to remove the rose from Hermione's hand, shaking her head before waving her wand to mend the places the thorns pierced. Ursula let out a sniff. "Of course, let you. Attending Hogwarts is a privilege, of course, one you're of course not deserving of."

"Hermione is..."

"Ethel, why don't you take Sybil into the other room, please."


"Ethel," Ursula said firmly.

Ethel sighed, and Sybil followed, frowning as she did so. Hermione flexed her hand, finding the way magic healed left a strange sensation compared to the non-magical healing method.

"Anyways," Ursula continued. "While I'll allow you to attend Hogwarts..."

"More like if Father finds out I can use magic, she won't have a choice," Hermione thought.

"...we can't have you being a blemish to the Black family name, can we?"

"The Black family?" Hermione took a deep breath. "My last name is Granger."

"Thankfully, that is the case," Ursula said, letting out an indignant sniff. "Thus, nobody will know your father erred in introducing impurities into his bloodline. Because you will say nothing."

"And what are you going to do if I don't?"

The color drained from Ursula's face, and a choking sound resulted. "Well, yes. That."

"You can't very well threaten to keep Sybil to yourself if there is no threat of divorce," Esme said, a smirk starting to appear.

"Mind yourself, Esmerelda," Ursula snapped, glaring at her eldest. A moment of silence occurred, the family matriarch's fingers tapping at the armrest of her chair, then she said, "Of course, if the two of you want this to come back to bite Sybil, as those dreadful Muggles are wont to say."

"What do you mean?" Hermione asked.

"Well, Regulus isn't just your father, dear," Ursula said. "But does she really need his past scandals with your mother hanging over her head once she starts at Hogwarts?"

"Mother!" Esme said.

"You know I'm right, Esmerelda." The corner of Hermione's stepmother's mouth twisted slightly. "There is, though, another plus side to no longer having to not speak of magic in front of you and Sybil. Lord and Lady Black can now dote on their granddaughter freely as they've been wanting to, but don't think you, the daughter of the peasant who beguiled their precious prince, will ever receive the same treatment Sybil will, but that should finally make you understand your place, something your father's never been keen on making clear to you himself."

Hermione swallowed. "So out of the frying pan into the fire, with this Cinderella-like tale of mine? Should I really worry, though, about this Lord and Lady Black? Or are they another evil stepparent-like character to worry about?"

"Anyways, I shall write to them, the school, and you shall write to your father, letting that fool of a man know you've received your acceptance letter. He'll be absolutely delighted, dear." Her stepmother's eyes narrowed. "Careful what you write, as I'll check the letter before you send it via owl." Ursula stood, brushing her skirts even though they didn't need straightening. "I'll see Ethel and Sybil now, but I'm sure they're both excited about our excursion to Diagon Alley. Even though nobody is to know you're of the Black family bloodline, you're to still be on your best behavior, given there are girls who will likely be in Slytherin house with Ethel who will know you are in some form associated with our family. A servant, I guess?"

Hermione watched her step-mother bustle from the room.

"Sorry," Esme muttered. "Getting one's letter, attending Hogwarts. It's supposed to be a more magical moment than this."

"More of a fairytale?" Hermione asked. "I know not all fairytales have happy endings."

"That still doesn't make any of this feel right," Esme said. "I guess I'll get back to work on revising my summer homework."

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