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"Father's family," Hermione thought to herself. "Father's family is a nightmare, the exact opposite of a fairy tale."

She swallowed, still attempting to wrap her mind around what happened, taking no glee in Ursula and Ethel's discomfort at what Narcissa said; the quick glare sent her way indicated a likelihood of Hermione paying later on, even though she'd said nothing.

"Hopefully, only Grandfather will accompany us in getting our wands."

"Regulus?" Narcissa sipped her tea again. "Be a dear, will you?"

"What?" Regulus frowned at his cousin, still holding Sybil.

"Would you please keep an eye on your godson while I go and purchase the rest of his school supplies?"

Hermione watched Ursula interrupt her father's attempt to respond. "Of course. We'll be delighted to have him, Narcissa."

Narcissa didn't respond right away, looking at Ursula, then she said. "Of course, when I say that," she said, letting out a hum, taking a few golden coins from her purse. "Draco still has to get his robes so that I can leave that to you?" She set the coins onto Orion's table, sliding the money towards Hermione's grandfather rather than handing the money to Regulus. "That should be enough, but Draco's already gotten his wand, hawthorn with unicorn hair, ten inches."

"Healing?" Regulus hummed, not making eye contact, his head tilting so he might focus on Sybil instead.

"Father will be interested," Orion said. "Given that's his skill base."

"I was actually thinking more along the lines," Narcissa said, standing up to leave. "That Draco will be talented, I think, like his godfather. It's not the same type of wand, but it's quite promising, I think. And that should cover it, Uncle. And Draco..." Hermione watched Narcissa's son turn to look at her, as prim and proper as his mother. "Behave. Your godfather is rather busy today, so he won't be able to discuss Quidditch with you."

"What's Quidditch?" Sybil blurted out.

"You don't know what Quidditch is?" Draco said the corner of his mouth twisted slightly.

"No," Sybil said.

"I'm sure your father will delight in regaling you regarding his time as Seeker for our house at school, dear Sybil," Narcissa said. "Later, because Draco, as I was saying?"

"Yes, mother?"

"Today isn't the best day to ask him about that, but you'll have plenty of time once school starts, as he'll be your Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"Of course, mother," Draco nodded.

"So, behave," Narcissa said, smiling at Regulus. "I'll pick him up at the robe shop, dear, so do take care of him."

"Of course," Regulus muttered, looking rather displeased.

She stood, then froze. "Oh. And a bit of forewarning. I saw a certain someone lurking around here that I suspect you'll want to avoid. He's loitering near the Potters and that other friend of theirs. The one that didn't go to Azkaban during the war."

"I don't..."

"We're aware he's here," Ursula said, reaching out to squeeze Regulus' arm as Hermione observed. "And, of course, we wouldn't want to speak with that riffraff."

"Speak for yourself," Regulus muttered, looking away.

"Who?" Sybil asked.

"You need not worry," Narcissa said, grinning. "Because it is in your best interest that your father makes sure you don't run into him, my dear."

Hermione swallowed. "What war? And who? Does she mean Uncle Sirius? I thought Father looked forward to seeing him." She shook her head as Narcissa left. "But it doesn't look like father's cousin cares that he doesn't want this Draco along."

Ursula lifted her chin high, having regained her composure. "Well, let's head to Olivanders. I expect Ethel will find herself with a wand that makes us proud."

"A wand that makes us proud?" Hermione frowned, looking at the ground as Ethel and Ursula headed off. "What does that even mean?"

"I'll hold the door open for you, Uncle Regulus," Hermione heard Draco say, her head looking up to see Draco headed ahead, while her father swallowed, still holding onto Sybil as Draco jammed one of his hands into his pants pocket, yet the way he walked away and held himself felt similar to how her father held himself, only—

"At least Father's able to smile," Hermione thought. "At least normally."


Hermione's eyes blinked, her head turning to look at her grandfather. "Sir?"


She sucked in her breath. "What for?"

"I'd not expected to run into Narcissa like I did. It's not how I wanted you to meet your cousin," the man said.


"Hmm," the man said, motioning for Hermione to head onto Olivanders as he used his cane to follow. "Don't worry about what your stepmother said. There isn't a poorly crafted wand in the entirety of Olivander's collection, but his family has long been known for their expert craftsmanship."

"May I ask you more on the subject later?" Hermione said, then she sucked in her breath, turning her head away. "Sorry. If that was out of place."

"No. You are definitely your father's child," Orion said. "Sybil, as well, in her own way. I'd love to speak to you more on handcraft, though that really depends on what your father says, I think."

"I see," Hermione said, heading for the shot, arriving later than the rest of her family, but when she stepped into the shop, she took in the numerous boxes, her eyes wandering around as Olivander handed Ethel a wand, her eyes drawn towards a box on the shelf that shook slightly, yet the man handing Ethel the wand noticed as well, letting out a humming sound.

"Interesting." He turned his attention back to Ethel, handing her a wand. "How about you try this one?"

"This one?" Ethel said, taking the wand into her hand, only for an explosion to occur. The box still shook, and the man glanced over again as Regulus set Sybil down.

"Not that one. Not that one at all," the man said, hurrying to another box, ignoring the one that continued to shake, slowly moving off the shelf. He handed the wand from that other box to Ethel, the process repeating, "Not that one," until the man pronounced a wand of nine and three-quarters made of elm and unicorn hair choose Ethel,

Ethel turned, grinning at Hermione, holding her hand out under her wand to present it, saying, "Elm, as he said, is capable of advanced magic."

"Very befitting of a pure-blood," Ursula nodded her head.

"And you," the man hummed, turning to Hermione. "She's yours, Regulus Black?"

Ursula let out a huff. "I don't know why you'd..."

"Can't fool me," the man said. "I've helped enough students over the years to know." He headed straight for the wand on the shelf that shook slightly, the box having moved a few inches off the shelf. "Yes, I'm sure of it."

"Vine?" Orion asked.

Hermione frowned while Olivander didn't answer, instead handing the wand to her. She took the wand, her hand closing around hesitantly, watching the tip light up as if the wand were excited. "Not common, but I wonder what kind of

things you'll do. A type of wand that goes back to the time of the druids."

"Yes, well," Ursula said, quickly paying for the wands, sending a look Hermione's way while Hermione wondered where the issue lay. "We'd best be going. For the robe fitting."

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