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"Your sister must think I'm an idiot not to realize what's happening."

Hermione stiffened upon returning to the potions classroom with Neville, swallowing upon hearing Snape say aloud what she suspected he knew. "Sorry. Neville forgot his bag." She glanced around, noting the now spotless classroom, the melted cauldrons the only remaining evidence of the fiasco that unfolded moments before. "Otherwise, we wouldn't have come back."

"The mistake made," Snape said, walking over to the melted cauldron. "It's not the kind of mistake that would have occurred simultaneously unless all three were coordinated to go off simultaneously." He looked right at Neville. "And I believe Miss Hallow came up with the idea based on what she saw Longbottom almost do had Malfoy not stopped him."

"Oh," Neville said. Then, "You know Professor Black is Hemrione's father?"

"What other certain genius could I have been referring to earlier?" Snape asked. "I'm also aware Lily Evans is your godmother, having patched things up with her after the war ended, but she's kept me informed despite my lack of fondness for your uncle."

Hermione grimaced. "I've met Uncle Sirius. It wasn't a pleasant experience, particularly for Sybil or father." She took a deep breath. "He doesn't, as far as I know, know we're related though."

"Given his vital for the Black family, that's likely a good thing," Snape said. "Head to your next class so the professor doesn't dock Slytherin any more points."

"Yes, sir," Hermione said, grabbing Neville's bag and handing it off as they exited the classroom.

"Sorry about that."

"No," Hermione said. "I'm rather glad to know I won't get in trouble for that, but the other Slytherin may still blame me." The next class thankfully didn't involve anything similar to potions that Ethel might sabotage, and Hermione's day went much smoother, although—

Her father taught their last class of the day, Defence Against the Dark Arts, but the moment they entered he made clear, "I want no shenanigans today, particularly form my own house. For starters, I've got a right headache and am not in the mood for students disrespecting my authority today, though I suspect everyone saw the scene in the Great Hall yesterday."

Ethel opened her mouth.

"Don't," Regulus said. "I'm starting the lesson, but I would like to speak with Hallow and Granger after class, please." He reached up and pinched the bridge of his nose.

Neville leaned over. "Do you think he's heard about anything that's happened today?"

"I don't know," Hermione said. "I'll meet you in the great hall for dinner?"

"Sure," Neville said as the lesson began, and they started learning about the reasons behind the class, with her father droning on and beginning to ramble.

Hermione grimaced, then sighed. "Father is definitely stressed to be rambling like this."

Class ended, and—

"Hallow," Regulus said. "I said I need to speak to you and Granger after class."

"I think..."

"Detention then? Another one?" Regulus said.

"You can't."

"I can."

"I won't," Ethel said, and then she was gone.

Hermione watched her leave, and the other students left before turning to look at him. "Am I still needed?"

Her father motioned for her to the front. "I don't need anyone else to stay."

Cinders and Magic (Harry Potter/Worst Witch Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now