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"Please, please!"

"Sybil, it can wait until after dinner," Esme said, shaking her head in amusement as Hermione watched from her oldest stepsister's doorway. Esme guided Sybil's head so she looked at the vanity mirror to continue reworking Sybil's long hair into the braided crown around her head.

"You're really interested in that book Papa brought me, aren't you?" Hermione asked from the doorway."

"Anything fairytale-related," Esme said, shaking her head, amused.

"They're here, Lord and Lady Black," Ethel said, pushing Hermione roughly aside, "But are they really Sybil's grandparents?"

Esme's eyes blinked. "Oh. Well, yes."

"Sybil! Your hair's not done yet!" Ethel said. "Esme. Use magic and get it done with already."

"No. Please," Sybil said, looking at Ethel as if she were to burst into tears. "I like it done this way."

"But you've never..."

"I'll finish, Esme."

Hermione stepped aside, watching her father come to the rescue, gently taking strands of blond hair from Esme's hands and quickly, without hesitation, finishing the braided crown on Sybil's hair. He tapped Sybil between the shoulder blades. "Quick like. They're here much sooner than I hoped they would be. Why your mother had to invite them at all, I don't understand."

"They're family," Ethel said.

"Not ours," Esme said, shaking her head. "They're here for Sybil, aren't they?"

"Yes, well..." Regulus frowned. "That. Come along. Lord and Lady Black are waiting with Ursula in the drawing room where they arrived."

"They arrived in the drawing room?" Hermione asked, perplexed.

"Via Floo. I'll have to show you and Sybil how to use it later, but let's get dinner and everything over with, right?" Regulus said, guiding Sybil to the door and then down the stairs. Hermione started to leave, a squeeze of her shoulder stopping her.


"I wouldn't blame you for not attending this at all," Esme said.

Hermione shook her head, feeling she'd an idea of what to be prepared for, but when she arrived—

"You're like the lords and ladies from a fairytale!" Sybil blurted out upon seeing Lord and Lady Black. Indeed, they did look like the nobles in the picture books, prim and proper.

It was so proper that Lady Black sniffed at Sybil's comment as if she had found it out of line. "There's our beautiful granddaughter, Orion."

The man looked up, his black hair slightly peppered as he looked at Regulus, grey eyes betraying the relation. "Regulus?"

"Sir," Hermione's father said, not hiding his distaste.

"Here, child," the woman with her equally black locks of hair also slightly peppered said, motioning for Sybil. Her hands reached for a velvet red cloak at her side. "I've prepared a gift for you."

"Mother," Regulus said, frowning, shaking his head as the woman looked at him wide-eyed as if he'd managed to offend. "I've more than one daughter."

"Nonsense," the woman said, holding her chin out. "This gift is for darling Sybil, but I won't hear of her not wearing this beautiful cloak I picked out for her, but surely you'll let grandparents spoil their grandchild?"

Regulus' mouth twitched at the sight of the red clock. "I'm surprised you picked something in red, knowing your distaste for Gryffindor."

"You," the woman started saying.

Cinders and Magic (Harry Potter/Worst Witch Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now