Sorting Hat

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The train arrived, and Hermione and her new friends drifted off the train, following the sound of a loud booming voice yelling, "Firs' years! Firs' years over here! Four to a boat."

Hermione's eyes blinked, yet blinked again upon seeing the giant, her mouth dropping. "Like Jack and the Bean Stock, but friendly. An oddity." She climbed into the boat, followed by her three new friends, as her eyes took in...

"It's a castle!" Mildred said.

"Careful, lest you topple in!" Maud said, pushing up her glasses.

"Y-yes," Neville stammered, looking over the boat's edge. "I can't imagine that would be rather pleasant."

"Don' worry. Nobody ever drowns," the giant said. "I'm Hagrid, by the way, the keeper o' the keys."

"Nice to meet you," Hermione said.

"Well, we know what kind of sort she is," a familiar voice said, resulting in Hermione looking over to see Ethel, who'd found Pansy Parkinson with Daphne Greengrass. With them was another girl, a bulky girl. "Conversing with the staff like that."

"Servant girl," Pansy sneered.

Hermione shook her head, then saw Draco looking at her. She frowned, wondering why he'd started heading in her direction, only to pause and turn to another boat that wasn't full yet, only to get into some words with the familiar-looking redhead that Hermione could see while Harry looked exasperated.

The boats took off, and both Maud and Hermione tugged on Mildred's robes to keep her back in the boat while Neville stammered. "Please! Don't tip the boat over."

Hermione glanced up at the night sky and then sighed, waiting for them to cross the dark lake. The moment they arrived, a woman in green calling herself Professor McGonagall ushered them on a long trek up the stairs to the great hall entrance while various students whispered rumors of how they'd get sorted.

"Yes, well," Ethel let out a sniff. "If it doesn't sort you into a house, it's obvious you've been deemed unworthy and will be sent home."

She glared at Hermione while Mildred pointed at her. "Me?"

"If you think it's you, then you're definitely..."

"That's enough scaring your fellow students," the woman in green said. "For the life of me. If you've received a letter, you will be sorted." McGonagall looked down her nose, past her glasses, at the girl. "I'll be having a word with your parents, Ms. Hallow."

Ethel's jaw twisted slightly, having got caught, while Hermione let out a sigh, looking away. McGonagall then opened the doors to the great hall and headed to the front where a stool and old pointed hat sat waiting, but when she called a student up, the professor set the hat on the student's head, and the hat called out the house.

"Granger, Hermione," she finally called out, and Hermione walked up. She watched up front as her father watched her.

"Get sorted into anything other than my house, Slytherin."

"Sorry, papa," Hermione thought to herself.

"Well, that is amusing. His brother refused to be sorted into that house and created quite the scandal that year, and he's advocating you not be sorted despite that, yet you want to be sorted there?"

"To prove them wrong."

"I'm well aware of that," the hat said. "All too aware, but there is I know no need, as there are indeed plenty who didn't go wrong, but there are others who did go bad in other houses."

Cinders and Magic (Harry Potter/Worst Witch Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now