-someone flirts with you-

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-he gets MAD
-chews them out
-"Get the fuck away from her. She has a boyfriend, and she is way out of your league. If you are really desperate go fuck yourself instead."
-you just stood there laughing
-the guy ran off

-he threatens them
-he hurts them if they talk back
-"If you talk to my fucking girlfriend like that again, I will kick you in the balls and slit your goddamn throat while you are sleeping."
-if he decides to continue miles beats the shit out of him
-one time miles started fighting a guy and you had to drag him away
-covered in blood

-yells at them
-if the guy is still staring Boris gives him a death glare
-he also uses pda as a weapon
-kisses, ass grabs, waist holding, anything that will get the guy to leave you the hell alone
-"you okay принцесса? Very sorry, you must go through that all the time."

-is surprisingly mature about it
-he is pissed deep down
-"she has a boyfriend. Fuck off."
-he walks away while holding your waist
-"what an asshole, sorry baby."
-he's a good boy

-he gets fucking pissed
-"oh hell no."
-flips him off
-"suck a dick asshole!"
-grabs your hand and speeds away

-gets really angry and tries to hurt him
-"Don't fucking talk to her like that!"
-ziggy tried punching him and you had to grab his fist and pull it away
-you snatched him from the whole situation
-he was so upset and spent the rest of the day making sure you were okay
-he fucking hates it when people say shit like that about you

STAY WITH ME    Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now