-who secrety likes you-

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-You kind of suspect it, as Caleb is pretty touchy and stuff with you
-poor Caleb gets so uncomfortable when you and Finn kiss
-He wants to tell you he likes you but refuses because he respects your relationship with Finn

-there is literally no one in the movie yalls age sooo...
-if I did do it, it wouldn't be canon☹️
-if you comment, "BUT FLORA!" You deserve jail time❤️

-Our sweet bby Theo
-he gets upset when you and Boris kiss/ do PDA
-tries to hide it but it is obvious he hates it
-he has told you his feelings before..
-it hurt you so much to tell Theo about you and Boris but he took it well
-jk, he pretended to be okay then went home and cried😟

-She tries to be flirty but fAiLs
-still tries to win you over
-invites you over for sleepovers and plays with your hair
-also watches romance movies with you
-kind of makes you uncomfortable but you don't dare tell Trevor cuz he'll raise hell
-you had to tell lucky you and Trevor were a thing

-she always liked you from the start
-thinks you are the most beautiful girl
-when she found out you and Mike were dating, she just started hating him even more
-agrees to be strictly BFFS
-she never makes you uncomfortable❤️
-respects you not being interested and goes on with life

-when you told her she was fucking shocked
-she tried to argue with you but calmed down
-she hates Ziggy soooo..
-keeps her cool eventually and just stays friends with you
-gives him dirty looks in class and he gives them back

STAY WITH ME    Finn WolfhardWhere stories live. Discover now