Chapter 14: Not moaning yet.

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Thursday, January 10th, 2023
Wednesday's POV

Me and Enid haven't spoken much know. Don't get it twisted, I haven't been avoiding her. I just don't know how to handle this. I normally have the majority of things under control. Most of the time I know how to react, respond, and review. But with Enid, no, that's not the case at all. When I'm around her it's as if all cognitive thoughts leave my brain and I'm a pathetic body without a head.

That's why I am looking for Yoko. For some strange reason, I trust her. Maybe it's her blatant stupidity that gives me comfort that she's probably not smart enough to kill me. Either way, the vampire could help me figure everything out.

I just left me and Enid's dorm not too long ago. I've been on a walk trying to clear my head. Obviously, the walk has not helped since I am still walking in the same state that I was in before. Yoko won't be in her room at this time. On Thursdays she spends her time in the library with Divina discussing who knows what. The fact I spend enough time with Yoko to remember her daily after school schedules is nauseating. Thoughts are running through my head as I make my way towards the room.

When I go to grab the handle of one of the massive double doors, it opens up from the other side. I ignore the slight annoyance that encounter brings me, and I pass the person on the opposite end. As I walk away into the library, I hear a faint but familiar voice say, "Addams, what the fuck?" come from the doorway. I know the voice and I know the person, but my mind is too preoccupied in my attempt to locate Yoko I don't retain the situation.

After some unwanted roaming of the area, I spot Divina. She's sitting at an old, medium-size wooden table towards the back of the room. The whole outside aesthetic of Nevermore is old and dark, and that aesthetic doesn't stop when it comes to the inside either. The library at this school resembles the fiction one at Hogwarts, just gloomier and bigger. Those are the only noticeable differences except for the fact the Nevermore library is real, and the one in Harry Potter is not.

Divina sits alone at the table reading a book. For a second, I think about turning around as Tanaka is not where I hoped she was, but I don't. Reluctantly enough, my legs keep walking until I reach the table. She keeps her eyes on the book until she hears a noise from the other end of the library, flinching when she sees me standing in front of her.

"Holy shit Addams. You can't creep up on people like that." She says, shutting her book.

"I can assure that I wasn't creeping up on you."

"I think we have different definitions on what creeping up actually means." Divina responds. She takes a look around and notices that I am alone. I can tell by the look on her face she doesn't understand why I am here. "As much as I adore your company, are you looking for something?"

"Someone, actually." I share, looking around the room once again in case I can spot the annoyingly tall vampire.

"Sorry girl, Enid's not in here." She says to me. I curiously look down at her. Why would she think I was looking for Enid?

"I never said that I was looking for Enid." I defensively say. She looks up from her seat, returning my curious look back to me.

"Oh, well, I just assumed. You never seem to want to talk to anybody but the werewolf." Divina adds. I nod my head. She has a fair point. A very fair one. If I was speaking to me, I would assume I was looking for Enid as well. I stand in silence for a moment before saying anything.

"Upsettingly enough, I am actually looking for Tanaka."

"Yoko? So weird, she just left here a few seconds ago looking for Enid." She tells me. I'm realizing just now that the person I ran into in the doorway was most likely her. Makes sense, what other person in the school would say "Addams, what the fuck?" without fear of getting decapitated. The thought of me being so focused on finding a person I ignore them in the hallway frustrates me. Now I have to go all the way back to the dorm. I sigh and turn around to start walking away. "Hey, where are you going?" Divina interrupts.

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