Chapter 4: My brothers.

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Tuesday, January 8th, 2023
Enid's POV

I know that we just got back but school has been good so far. Yeah, it's only been a day, but a lot could have gone wrong on that first day. I don't know if yesterday counts as the first day though, since it was just move-in day and stuff. Today has been good so far too, we haven't had any classes yet because of the beginning of the year speeches. I swear they get longer each semester. I think everyone knew this year's one was going to be longer and stuff considering everything that happened before break, but damn, I wasn't expecting it to be four hours.

Right now, we are all at lunch, and by all, I mean me, Yoko, Divina, Kent, Bianca, and Wednesday. Ajax used to sit with us, but he hasn't talked to me since things ended. I caught him staring at me a few times yesterday, but he never came up to me. I feel like Yoko or Wednesday may have said something to him. Not that I'm complaining.

Speaking of Wednesday, I don't know what to do. Yoko told me that she likes me back but that's highly unlikely. And it's not like I know how to go about this, I was a mess with Ajax so who knows how I'm going to be with her. Especially since she's a girl, guys are easier to please. The hardest part is that I've never had a crush on a girl before. I'd never even questioned my sexuality before Wednesday.

Yoko said that I might have even liked Wednesday since the day that I met her, but since I had never liked a girl and the fact that I already had a crush, I didn't realize then. I mean, that makes sense. Sometimes I think about some of the things that I did or said, or...felt, that I just rubbed off. It's weird to think about how differently things could have gone if I had known I liked her sooner.

I take a bite of the school lunch, meatballs, and pasta. It's not half bad. Hell, I'd even go far enough to say that it's pretty good. Just salty is all. Everyone at the table is currently talking about something, everyone but her. She'll talk if she finds the conversation worth participating in. Yoko mentioned how if I start talking, she will start listening. I didn't believe her but that was at the beginning of today. Maybe sometime soon I'll test out that theory.

"I just don't want to sit next to someone who stinks and not like in a 'you suck' kinda way, but in a I'll literally buy you deodorant if you can't afford it kinda way." Divina says. Everybody at the table agrees at the same time while Wednesday keeps reading her book.

"No for real though. And when I say that someone stinks it's not in a mean way I swear. If it was in a mean way they would know. But I can't physically listen to what the teacher's saying because of your odors travelling up my nose." Yoko adds on. Her and Divina are cute. I remember how it was when they first came out and started dating. Most of the boys made comments, which was expected. Only a few girls cared but that didn't bother them. I know that's not how me and Wednesday would be. If we started dating of course. I would care a lot about what people would think, especially my family. Well, my mother specifically.

My brothers wouldn't care.

There's Harry, who's twenty. He wouldn't mind. Even if he was homophobic, he would act like he wasn't just to piss my mother off. He's spiteful like that, but only when it comes to her. I can't remember if there was a huge fight or something that made him dislike her so much, but as long as I could remember he's never been on her side. He's always been on mine though, always believed in me, told me that I would be the biggest and strongest out of all of us.

When I told my family I wolfed out it was the first day of break at the dinner table. All my brothers were really proud of me, and they were over the moon that I fought a Hyde. My dad even smiled when I told him. My mother on the other hand shrugged it off. She said I was lying and told me that I wouldn't have survived a fight with a Hyde, and that even if it was true, it wouldn't count because she didn't see it. I left the dinner table crying. The one thing she had ever asked me to do I finally did, and she didn't care. A little while later Harry came up to my room and told me to get in the car, I didn't want to, but he insisted. He brought me to a fancy restaurant to congratulate me on wolfing-out. He always knows what to do to make me or anybody else feel better.

Then Easton who's eighteen. I don't think he would mind either. He's always been more of a punk, open to anything and everything, that never aligned with my mother's conservative Christan beliefs.

I remember a few years ago Easton got his hair dyed so it was all bright pink and red. At the time we weren't allowed to do anything with our hair without my mother's approval. They got into a massive fight, and she ended up buzzing all of his hair off. Whenever someone would ask Easton what happened, he would tell them that story.

I guess he ended up telling someone who told their parents because a few days after two cops showed up to our house. They said how they got a call for potential abuse going on in the household. My mother denied it and the cops left just like that. It was aggravating, but a slight wake up call for her. She realized that she can't control what we say to other people, so she gave us a basic right, freedom of expression. And from that day on I've been dying my hair.

Last but not least, Reggie. He's seventeen, a little over a year older than me. He would probably be the most supportive. It would be strange if he wasn't considering the fact, he's gay himself. My parents don't know that, just us siblings. He used to go to Nevermore but my mother unenrolled him and he's been homeschooled ever since. It was when he was fifteen, a photo was sent around the school of him and his roommate kissing. Obviously, the school contacted my parents because it was technically cyberbullying. This wouldn't have been as big of a deal with my mom if he was kissing a girl, but he wasn't.

She went off on him when they got home. She said that he was going to be sent away, and this freaked everyone out. So, he lied. Reggie told my parents that his roommate kissed him first, but he didn't want to make him feel rejected or feel guilty, so he kissed him back, just for a second. He told them he didn't want to, that he was simply being a nice person. My mom believed him too. In her exact words her response was,

"Right, yes. I don't know why I assumed the worst. Faggots aren't good at sports like you are, they don't have the muscle like you do. You're too normal to be a sinner."

Yeah, she really said that.

She told him that it wasn't safe for him in Nevermore anymore, knowing that there was a gay person in the school. So, she unenrolled him. The only reason she lets me attend is the fact she thinks lesbians "wouldn't be able to handle the skirt uniforms."

Yeah, she really said that too.

I don't see my brothers as much as I would like too. I mean, I saw them all over break, but I would like to see them more. I'd like to come out to them at some point, that way at least someone would know other than Yoko. Speaking of her, she also told me to come out to Wednesday. I'm not against the idea, actually I would like to do it later today. Because it's not like I'm telling her that I like her, just sharing some information.

The school lunch bell rings and I snap back into reality. I look around the table and everyone's lunch has been eaten. I quickly take a couple more bites of my food and gather up my stuff. I do notice something though; Wednesday doesn't leave the lunch table till I do, even when everyone else was already done.

I'll revisit that later; I can't be late to the first class of the semester.

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