Chapter 31: Fucking make a move.

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Thursday, February 28th, 2023
Enid's POV

"What are you getting for your last hospital meal? It's the last day, so I want to try something other than the roast beef sandwich. But at the same time, do I really want to risk ordering something bad before we leave?" I question, sitting in the uncomfortable orange hospital chair in the corner of the room. Wednesday sits on her bed, reading a book, and the timer on her phone counts down from sixty. "What are you getting for lunch? Are you trying something new or doing what you normally do?"

She flips a page in her book, peeking down at the phone timer now counting down from fifty-five.

"In fifty-five seconds, I might very well be trying something new, it all depends." She replies, continuing to read. I look back at her, amused by her actions.

"I still can't believe you've been doing that," I say, glancing through the window as a group of birds fly away from the oak tree outside. I look back at Wednesday. "Is his food even good?"

"If you want some you can just ask."

"I don't want your stolen food," I respond. Immediately after I am reminded how every time I order the roast beef sandwich I get nauseous. "I mean, if it's good I'll take a bite."

She holds her book to the side as she takes a look at the timer again, now counting down from twenty-three.

"You have twenty-three seconds to decide if you would like a meal of your own. Dr. Nicholson isn't the only staff member on this floor who leaves their lunch on the staff table." She offers. I roll my eyes. Every day since we've been here, other than the first two weeks she wasn't cleared to walk on her boot, she's been taking Dr. Nicholsons lunch. Straight off the staff table that is. They leave their room open, which isn't the best idea but whatever, and she just walks in and takes the food. I've seen her do this too, and somehow nobody ever sees her. I once asked her how she's never gotten caught, and she explained how at 11:57AM every morning, the coast is completely clear for exactly twelve seconds. This means all the nurses, doctors, parents, surgeons, patients, police, literally everybody on the floor is not looking at the staff room. I wanted to know how she figured this out, and she told me how she had been watching them for the first two weeks.

That's the definition of insanely impressive.

You know, people should really be glad Wednesday has no interest in becoming a serial killer because she would be really good at it.

"Fifteen seconds..." She says, watching the timer as she waits for my response.

"Who's the other person?" I ask, wanting to make sure if I'm going to be eating someone's lunch it's going to be someone I don't like.

"Dr. Storms."


I'm not super fond of Dr. Storms. He's always walking around like he owns the place, which isn't very appealing. So, I would normally be very comfortable when taking his food. Although, he's kind of a whore, literally the definition of a man whore. I don't know where his hands have been. Do I really want to take a man whores food? At the same time, if his hands were dirty, he wouldn't be a surgeon...

"Nine seconds..." Wednesday says, setting her book upside down on her bed as she gets up, walking over to the door so she's not a mili-second behind schedule.

"Shit, I don't know!" I panic.

"If it makes your decision any easier, Dr. Storms used to be a personal chef."


"Okay, yes, I'll take his lunch." I decide, choosing to ignore how she found out what he used to do for a living. A moment later the timer goes off and Wednesday leaves the room confidently, not bothering to peek if anyone is watching.

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