Chapter 5: Traffic cone?

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January 8th, 2023
Wednesdays POV

I'm quite fond of the new buddy system. If it had been put in place at the beginning of last year, I might have had a differing opinion, but alas, this year is not the last and my mind has been changed. The new buddy system is to prevent a student from going missing, or at least to make it more difficult considering not one but two of them would have to vanish so you had no witnesses. It's nothing special, considering the fact that each student has a roommate each student automatically has a buddy.

And that's where my change in spirit comes into play, last year I would have dreaded going everywhere with Enid. This year I still dread it, but not nearly as much. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere, the school was not lacking in its parameters for this new mandate. It goes as far as if a student needs to go to the bathroom during a class, their roommate has to go with them. I can partially see how this idea might have seemed good on paper, but I have a feeling that might get altered.

Yesterday was, enlightening day to say the least. During my excruciatingly long conversation with Yoko, I realized four things. One; Yoko isn't the worst person I have ever met. Two; It's not normal to think about jumping off anything remotely high and ending my life therefore it's recommended that I speak to someone. Three; the reason I have never felt any strong attraction towards a man is because I'm a lesbian. Four; I have a strong attraction towards my roommate, Enid Sinclair.

I'm not sure how I didn't realize sooner. It has always been hard for me to read people; I just wasn't aware that extending into the lack of knowledge towards myself.

But here we sit, statistics. Today's school day is only a half day since the meeting was this morning, but I wasn't prepared for the education part of Nevermore to begin yet. Yes, education is very important, and I happen to thrive in it quite well, but that doesn't excuse my distaste of having to sit and listen to others talk for most of my day.

One thing I am fond of in this school is the choice of seating. Back at my old school all the desks were broken and short, unable to manage the weight of anything over forty pounds. However, here at Nevermore all the core academic rooms are the same. Tall, metal two-person tables with sturdy stools accompanying them. Three rows of seating with four tables in each row, each table holding two people, making the rooms suit twenty-four.

I haven't paid much attention as to what's going on. The only thing my mind can focus on at the moment is Enid. She's sitting right next to me, specifically to my right. I look over to see her left leg quickly bouncing up and down. I used to not understand why she did this. I wasn't judging her, well, I did at the beginning because I found the movement in my peripheral vison a tad bit annoying. Although, I realized that it wasn't something she consciously knew she was doing.  I supposed it might have something to do with stress.

I hear a clap come from the front of the room as I snap out of my thoughts. Mr. Owens is now walking back to his desk, not saying anything further. I take a quick glace around the room to see what others are doing. Breaking off into groups of four.

I feel Enid's eyes on me, so I turn to look at her. A bright smile on her face as always, with her ocean blue eyes staring into mine.

"As much as I hate to admit this, I don't know exactly what we are supposed to be doing at the moment." I say almost uncertainly. She gives me a shocked look before opening her mouth to speak.

"Don't tell me Wednesday Addams wasn't paying attention in a core class, let alone the first core class of the whole year?" She rhetorically asks, amused. I roll my eyes away from her.

"Hardly. My mind was just busy in the moment."

"Whatever you're lucky that I was paying attention. We're just doing a beginning of the year group project; it's not seriously graded but it will do in as extra credit kinda. Anyways, each group will pair up with the group to their right and make a bar chart on how everyone in the class spent their vacation. Two of the people in the group will go around the room and ask questions, while the other two people in the group stay and answer." Enid stammered. "Can't believe I remembered all of that."

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