Chapter 19: Pussy whipped.

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All of the different POVs in this chapter take place around the same time as Wednesday and Taylor's conversation last chapter!! So, everyone is talking to each other but in different groups, I hope that makes sense, and if it doesn't, you'll see once you read!! Enjoy ;)

Friday, January 11th, 2023
Kent's POV

"So, what happened with you and Reggie at the party?" Bianca asks me. I've only spoken to her a few times, none of which being one-on-one. Either way, somehow, I ended up walking next to her. I thought this walk to the hospital would be completely silent, until a few moments ago when Wednesday and Taylor started chatting. I'm not sure how that happened, but the walk is much less awkward now that someone has said something.

"Nothing really." I answer, smirking at the thought of him. I turn my head to face her, met with an expression of disbelief. "What?"

"The smirk on your face tells another story." She points out. I try to push down my smile but it's no use, I'm already thinking about him, and it won't go away.

"We just talked. Truly." I respond. Yes, we did just talk, but for some reason it felt like so much more. Maybe I'm just in over my head, but I'm enjoying it. "The thing is I'm not even a super romantic person or anything. I'm kind of a go-with-the-flow kind of guy, but around Reggie. I don't know, I feel like that all goes out the window. He's nothing like the other people I've talked to or whatever. There's just something about him that I can't describe, and it makes me want to be around him all the time. And I would say this to him, but it's a lot and I don't want to sound obsessive. That's not how I want to come across." I fully admit. Part of me regrets saying all this out loud to a girl I don't know very well, but the other part of me couldn't care less.

"And...what exactly do you want to come across as?" She asks me. I think to myself, unsure of how to answer. "Because if you want to come across as someone who doesn't communicate that they like the other person, well, your relationship might end before it even has a chance to start." Bianca bluntly states. That's one thing I like about her, she's doesn't sugar coat things. Some may see that as a bad thing but lying only makes things worse. Wednesdays has the same quality, which I appreciate.

"Yeah. Yeah, I know. I'll tell him. I just don't want to like...get rejected." I say. She looks over to me with a 'are you insane' expression.

"Girl, he is not going to reject you. In fact, is he does I'll dye my hair. Not a plain color either, one of those crazy ass designs that people get." She laughs. I know she's genuine too, I might not have spoken to her all that much, but I know she didn't like messing with her hair. The little she keeps on her head that is.

"What hair?" I joke. She puts her foot in front of mine and tries to trip me, but I quickly move backwards out of the way, stumbling over my own feet. Bianca started laughing as I accidentally bump into Enid behind me. "My fault, so sorry Sinclair. Bianca just tried to end my life."

Enid's POV

"Don't worry about it, you're okay." I tell Kent, I watch as he goes back to Bianca a few feet in front of us. I walk for a moment before breaking the silence between me and the person I find myself walking next to. "Hey...can I talk to you about something?"

"As long as it's not something stupid." Divina responds. I can guarantee her, that's it's not, or I at least don't think it is. I have something on my mind. I've had something on my mind actually, since this morning. Maybe longer, I don't know.

"It's about Wednesday, kinda, in a way I guess" I say. She looks over to me, obviously intrigued.

"Your girlfriend? Please, continue."

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