Chapter 08

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Ed did not meet Skylar's eyes. He banged his hand on the wall, as he remembered how disgusting he had been. He had just hurt the girl he loved as he had been too afraid to voice his feelings. His heart felt heavy as he saw Skylar walk past him hiccuping and dragging her sleeve across her face. She had not noticed him, as he had been hiding behind an overgrown bush. He knew that he could not keep his thoughts to himself anymore. But not wanting to admit anything so soon, he thought to give it sometime as that would ease things up between them a bit.

Darla stood waiting the next morning, for Skylar, by the lane that divided them. She waved energetically, as Skylar turned the corner walking moodily.

"Hi Sky," she said cheerfully as Skylar looked up, surprised who knew her name. Just then, her eyes fell on Darla and she suddenly felt herself lighten up.

"Hey Dar." She greeted her in return and took two long steps to stand beside her. "Wow," she said as her eyes grew big in surprise. "You are an early bird." she laughed, as Darla too joined her.

"Yeah, I am. Since I was young, I have not been able to wait on the bed for too long." she explained as they fell into steps beside each other. Skylar nodded.

"For me, I would die to live on the bed." she said dramatically, placing her hand over her heart, as though an actor from the Victorian era was expressing his love for a prince, where he was acting as a female peasant. Darla laughed, pressing her hand to her mouth. She was trying to stifle her loud laughter, but it broke out too loudly, as Skylar too joined her.

"Jeez girls, you have to be talking slowly the next time." Reese said as she halted the bicycle right in front of them, by the bridge.

"Hey Ree," Darla greeted, as Skylar slapped Reese on the head, as her method of greeting.

"Hello lady. Good morning," Reese said, smiling towards Darla. "And from where did you find this animal?" she asked, rubbing the back of her head, where Skylar's bony fingers had slapped hard. Darla giggled.

"You two are never tiring." she added as Skylar smiled proudly.

"And that," said Reese, as she pointed her index finger in front of her, as though she was stating a very important matter. "Is why we are best friends." she finished, closing her eyes in a very dramatic manner. Darla giggled again.

Soon, the three friends reached the entrance to the school and Reese left them to park her bicycle. Darla turned towards Skylar.

"Are you an only child?" she asked sweetly as Skylar felt her eyes start to burn behind her eyelids. But not wanting to represent a human hosepipe early in the morning, she gulped down the emotions which were starting to numb her cheeks and she nodded.

"Yeah, yeah I am." she finished smiling sweetly as Darla too smiled at her. "What about you?" Skylar asked, wanting to change the matter and not wanting to dwell about her life anymore, afraid that one question would lead to the other, making her doubt her decisions.

"I have a younger brother." Darla said as she looked down at her feet. "He is five." she said as Skylar smiled.

"Oh, he must be so cute. Being younger and all." she added as Darla nodded.

"Yeah, he is." she said as her eyes darkened. "But he could be a real pain in the -" she stopped, remembering where she was. But Skylar, who perfectly understood what she was about to say, fell into fits of giggles with her.

"What are you ladies giggling about without me?" Reese asked as soon as she joined her.

"Siblings." Darla said as Reese rolled her eyes.

"I have an elder sister." she said. "But she doesn't even turn to check whether I am alive or not." she said as Darla's face fell.

"Just ignore her." Skylar told Darla as she turned from one to the other. "She might have eaten a cake without sharing it with Ree." she explained as Darla nodded understandingly, biting back the smile that formed on her lips, but quickly composed her face to express a very sad expression, as Reese turned to look at her, with a dangerous look clouding her eyes.

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