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And the next running month, Jungkook got a variety of groom's like Doctor, Engineer, Teacher etc., but none reached Jeon's home and the reason behind it was the one and only Taehyung.

Jungkook stopped going to work so they hadn't met for a month and his phone was snatched away from him. He doesn't talk with anyone, just eat from his room and secretly hears what his parents are planning about his marriage.

Mr.Jeon walked here and there in the hall, confused by the fact why a single groom's family hadn't reached his home. He saw Kook washing his hands after eating and going to his room.

“What did your son think of himself? Is he planning something against me?” Mr.Jeon shouted at Mrs.Jeon who just came out of the room to wash vessels. Jungkook also stopped knowing his father indirectly talking to him.

“I didn't do anything and how can I go against him? he caged me in jail to do whatever he decide.” Jungkook boldly said and went to his room.

Mrs.Jeon wanted to follow Kook and give him ear full of scoldings for talking against his father but Mr.Jeon stopped her and went to their shared room, followed by Mrs.Jeon.

“I want him to be happy but why is he not understanding?” Mr.Jeon said, not looking.

Mrs.Jeon sat beside her husband “He is a child, soon he will understand that our decision is right.”

“I don't want my baby to face the same fate as my sister, she ran away from her marriage trusting her useless lover and for what, just to hear her lover left her, taking her gold jewelry.” Mr.Jeon wiped his tears, feeling hurt by Jungkook's recent behavior.

Mrs.Jeon couldn't forget the day, how her husband stood on the mandabam while the groom's family questioned him and cursed him for raising a sister like her, that day was shameful for Mr.Jeon as he kept apologizing to the groom's family.

After ten years, they got news of that sister after she died, then they got to know from nearby houses that his sister came to that town with her husband but that man fooled her after two months of coming there. After that she lived alone, working as a maid in nearby houses.

From then on Mr.Jeon hated love marriage and love itself.

Mrs.Jeon wiped her tears “Our Jungkookie is an intelligent boy, you raised him to be strong and independent. He will understand you.” she leaned on Mr.Jeon's shoulder as they kept thinking what to do. 

Apart from the work time and sleeping time, Taehyung always rounds near Kook's home. He desperately wants to meet his boyfriend but is afraid to go near the Jeon home as the omega's father is ready to beat him whenever they meet.

Taehyung got the chance to speak on-air, he is over the moon and wants to inform Kook to hear his first all over India broadcasting.

Alpha waited at the end of Kook's street, watching Kook's home gate from a distance. He bites his lips, tensing as he goes near the backside of the house so that he can jump into Kook's room window.

“Whatever it is, I won't leave today without meeting him.” Tae walked with full self motivation but stopped as his eyes met with Mr.Jeon’s eyes and the next moment, he ran away catching his breath and soon went on the bike.

“Where did he suddenly come from?” Tae drives his bike, his legs shaking in fear, remembering the hits he got from that day.

Tae again sat on the pathway outside of his house, absentmindedly looking at the dog on the street with his palm under his chin.

“You didn't go to the office today?” Mr.Kim asked, he came back after buying the needed vegetables for lunch.

Tae lifts his head and looks at the time, it was time for the office and he had last training class today and tomorrow he has an on-air show.

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