1. Winter season

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I couldn't believe my luck. From my window, I could see a river, across it was the forest; a sight of black and white greeted my eyes. In the meantime, it began to snow, turning the windows white, blinding my view.

It was winter season, a magical time to take a walk outside. The place I booked my room is above a local pub of a small village, only bridge to the forest and was only a few feet away. I wrapped myself into my boots, a thick coat, hat, scarf and a pair of cloves, going downstairs to meet my friend. "Finally, we were worried you would never get out off your room" she said, holding a pint of beer up. "Sorry, I couldn't resist watching scenery from my window" I said with a smiling face. "I should have known...here, it's full and you can make as many photos as you like" getting the camera out of her bag. My one got stolen in London, I was glad that she lends me hers. "Don't come back without some marvelous shots "she winked at me drinking her beer. "And where do you go?" I asked. She gave me a wicked smile "What do you think I go to...as the bookworm that I am?" Of course...the village had a small bookshop, why didn't I think of that...books are my friend's life. I had to laugh at her smile, before waving her good bye.

Click! Click!.....Click!....Click! Click!

Not even ten minutes and I already found some wonderful things to take shots from. Completely involved I jumped up at the sound of voices. The entire forest was extremely quiet, too quiet for some. "Prepare yourself...the time of Yule is coming soon...prepare..." I was sure I heard something...coming from above me. All I could see was two birds flying, I shrugged at it...I assumed it was nothing. "Oh three birds on one branch, how cute..." ....Click! Click!

Somewhere nearby:

On the other side of the woods was a small house, it belongs to an ancient mage. He has an apprentice, he teaches her magic. In the meantime, the girl was taking care of the chickens near the house, as two creatures were flying around her "Prepare yourself...the time of Yule is coming soon...prepare..." The girl didn't understand the message, till her teacher approached her. "Elias, who are they?" she asked him. Elias is quite tall and wears a suit and long coat. Instead of a human head, he has a skull of an animal with long horns. He looked up at the creatures, thanking them to inform him about Yuletide, before looking down at his student "They are the Heralds of Yule, they appear to tell us that Yule is coming...we have to prepare the house for it." She nodded; they have to get things from the forest to decorate the house... in the traditional way.

At the same time...

I was lost, every tree looked the same and I had no idea from which direction I came from, as the snow has covered my footprints. My bag was also filled with branches, mistletoe and other things I found, so no food supply either. It got colder and the wind had gotten stronger, I began to get worried. How do I get out of here?

Nearby were Elias and his student collecting things from the trees, while he explained the tradition of Yule. "Chise, Ruth, be careful ... as ancient gods and goddesses of the winter and death will be in the forest. There are very powerful and it's hard to tell if they are in a good mood. It could be dangerous if we ever meet them" he warned them at the end. He spoke too soon... the goddess was heading their way, Elias grabbed Chise and behind a tree, dropping a mistletoe nearby. The goddess noticed it and picked it up with her long hair, looking happy at her 'little gift'. Once they were gone, Elias and Chise packed their stuff up and went back home, hoping that they won't see the gods a second time today. Till Ruth smelled something, which doesn't belong to the forest "What is it Ruth?"as Chise er familiar. He a fairy and a dog in one, he is looking concerned "Something is in the forest, it smells like you." Elias looked surprised at the black dog "A Slay Beggy?" Ruth shook his head "No, a human." Chise got worried looking at the mage "Do humans know about this tradition?" Elias crossed his arms, thinking for a minute "It's an old tradition, not many know about them anymore and other cultures have their own traditions." Ruth wasn't able to tell how young I was or if I come from another country, that worried Chise even more. She dropped the bags and told Ruth to follow her. "Where are you going?!" said Elias, shocked at her fast response "Warning that person, before it's too late!"

I was still taking photos:

I wasn't aware of the danger I was in, not even as a black shadow with long arms and hair, big eyes and in a black dress coming from behind "Blood...I want ...blood..." Once I turned around at the sudden sound of a branch breaking underneath its feet, I screamed out loud.


Chise could hear me, following the scream while Ruth picked up my scent. She hoped it wasn't too late.

It grabbed my arm with such force, it was painful. I used all my strength to push myself off, as I fell backwards into a tree, collide into a tip of a branch, piercing through my right shoulder. I was deep, enough to die of blood loss. The creature went down onto its hands and knees licking the blood of the snow. At this moment, arrived Chise and Ruth seeing me pinned to a tree, bleeding badly. They have to get rid of that thing; giving it a little blood was useless, as it already has his fill from mine. "Making a deal with it won't work this time. Ruth, follow me!" said Chise, gaining the attention of the creature, as it ran after them, leaving me alone.

The place went silent, as I begin to feel tired. In the distance came something towards me, some kind of human and horse with horns and a mask, while the woman on top...had long black hair and a round belly, she rubbed tenderly. They stopped right before me. She went of that creature getting me of the tree holding me close. She knelled down holding my hand, directing it on to her stomach, smiling at me. I forced out a smile of my own, as sleep was close to get me. She touched my face, taking something from me near my shoulder, while her hair went through my bag. I closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber.

The ancient magus blessed child (Elias x Reader x Chise)Where stories live. Discover now