2. Elias and Chise

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„Hello? Hello?? ", a voice called out. I slowly opened my eyes, looking at a skull head. Still light-headed of the blood loss I asked him tired "Who are you?" He kneeled down at me to get me onto his arms "I'm Elias Aintsworth. And you are one lucky human." I didn't understand, I assumed I could ask him later about that. He lifted me holding me in one arm as I wrapped my arms around his neck, laying my head on his shoulder, falling asleep.

He found Chise and Ruth a few metres away, out of breath. "What happened?" asked Elias surprised. "She was attacked by a fairy who wanted her blood, we chased it away" replied Ruth, gaining his breath back. Chise went towards me "How is she?" "She's fine; she wasn't bleeding anymore when I found her. She's fast asleep."

".....zzzzzZZZZZzzzzzz" Chise had to laugh at the sound, she was glad I was save now. "We should check on her, once she awakes" advised Elias, taking me to their home. Chise and Ruth followed him, watching me nuzzling into his neck "...soft...and warm..." he tensed at the touch. They had to suppress a laugh to see him freezing up like that.

Back at the village, was my friend, waiting for me:

"Where is she? I hope she is alright..." She looked out the window, towards the bridge, hoping I could show up any time soon. But...nothing. She grabbed her phone, giving me a call, getting worried as the voicemail spoke up. "It's not like her..." she said, grabbing her coat and ran out the pub...towards the forest.

At Elias's house:

While she searched for me, I woke up in a comfy bed. I was grabbing on to a large coat, which lied on top of me. I remembered...a man with a skull head carried me...he was wearing that coat. Where is he? The door opened a second later, revealing a beautiful woman in a Victorian dress. She bowed at me handing me clothes to wear, before leaving me. The clothes fitted me perfectly; they look a lot like the girl with red hair...only in different shades of green. Did she run out of colors? Instead to complain, I explored the place, going through each door in the first floor. Next I checked to ones downstairs, only to run into Elias, he just came out of the living room. "Sorry...I didn't see you coming" I apologized with a bow. He accepts it and leads me towards the kitchen on the opposite side. The woman prepared lunch for four people; she moved one chair back for me to sit in. Elias asked me if I wanted some tee, before sitting beside me. Chise and Ruth joined us shortly after from the main door, she was holding a huge amount of wool "Elias, can I use it for my pillow?" he nodded, till he saw my confused face. "You have sheep?" I asked curious. "Not exactly..." he hesitated "...they are wooly bugs. They give wool like sheep." I have no idea what he just meant, as he pointed towards the window. There were some wooly creatures crawling all over the window and some seem to be flying. Once everyone was at the table, the conversation began. The girl Chise, had to explain why the dog turned to a boy just now and also what that creature was back in the woods. Elias also helped out, when Chise had trouble, at the end; I found out that he is a mage and Chise, his student. The dog is the familiar of Chise and the lady in the dress, a banshee called Silky, she takes care of the house and the people living there. It was all good, till they asked me some questions. Why I was in the woods, what was I up to; where I come from...the list goes on. But the main question came from Chise "How did you survive? You were bleeding badly. Elias said you were covered in blood, but the bleeding had stopped by the time he found you. Elias nodded at his student before facing me "I checked your shoulder, you have a small scar, but it was already begun to heal, that's unusual." I decided to check on it later, as my stomach began to rumble, my face went red in embarrassment. Silky didn't seem to like that sound, as she filled my plate till I couldn't see it anymore, Elias grabbed my shoulder "We talk later, we should eat now before Silky decided to feed you" pointing towards Silky. She was already at my side holding a spoon towards me, like a mother feeds her child. "Thank you ...eh...Silky. I can do it on my own." She smiled before going back to wash the dishes. "Elias, could you pass me the butter please?" I asked him. He took it and reached it over to me, all of a sudden, he stopped. "What wrong?" I asked. "What are those?" looking at my wrist. I pulled the sleeves down, to reveal tattoos...on both wrists. I never had tattoos in my life...where did they come from? Elias inspected my arm, he could tell me what they are, but he was sure...he seen them somewhere before. There were three lines, looking like bracelets; the same was on the other arm. I seen such things like that on people from New Zealand, but in England? Once everyone was done eating, left Elias into his study, Chise and Ruth took me outside to get some fresh air.

She showed me around the garden, telling me of the plants she grows. I also was able to meet other fairies, who are all different shape and sizes; they also have other specialties a mage can use in exchange of something equal. Elias was making a mess out of the study, books were lying everywhere. He was eager to find the right book, till he found it on the floor. He read through it, only to look surprised through the window, watching me and Chise talking. "She is very lucky indeed" he said, closing the book.

In the woods, my friend began to lose all hope on finding me:

Unlike me, she finds her way back, as not snow was falling anymore. It got worse as she found my back, it was empty and my phone was in the snow. She dropped it watching in horror at the nearest tree, which is covered with blood. She feels onto the floor and began to cry. She blames herself for not coming along to help me; the tears fell into the snow, making tiny holes. "I could get her back for you" said a voice behind her. She turned around and faced a boy with white hair and a big smile. "You can?" she asked, between sobs. "Sure, but I need to get something in return...I show you." He gave his hand, waiting for my friend to grab it. "You won't regret it" he said smiling, pulling her out of the woods.

The ancient magus blessed child (Elias x Reader x Chise)Where stories live. Discover now