11. I hate you

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Ever since that kidnapping, he trapped Chise and me, like birds in a cage.

But unlike Chise, she was allowed to go into the garden. I wasn't even allowed to set one foot out, unless Elias is with me. I found him in the living room, reading. "Elias, don't you think you go a little too far with this?" I asked him annoyed. He sighted, "it is for your own good, we still don't know what it is that is trying to get you. Till then you stay in the house, or I will escort you. It's your choice."

I moaned loud, pouting, as I watched Chise outside.

"I want to go ouuuutttt."

"Very well, let's go"

I frowned at him "Not with you, aloooneeee."

"I said no."

I moaned out again, dragging myself upstairs. I fell into Elias's bed and thought about that creature that kidnapped me. Who ordered it to get me? What reward did it expect to get? Who wants me so desperately to do such a thing? I wasn't aware, that I will find out soon enough.

Later that day, we had visitors. The informed Elias and Chise about hunters, who took two dragons away, from their home and they are going to be sold at the auction. The one Chise went to a few months ago. My frustration has hit its end, as Elias left me at home with Silky. "We will be gone for a while Silver. Take good care of N/A and make sure she stays in the house." Silky saluted at that. Ruth and Chise were already out the door, while Elias looked at me a little longer. "I hate you" I said hardly below a whisper, making him close the door.

Chise noticed, that something was bothering Elias, "What is wrong?" He looked over to the red head girl, before looking away, "N/A said she hates me." Neither Ruth nor Chise knew what he expected for them to say, as he asked the two, "I that bad to hate someone?"

"I don't know" answered Chise truthfully. Ruth didn't know either.

"What is hate? Is it a good emotion?" The girl touched his arm lightly, "This is a bad emotion, it means, she doesn't like you." But Elias didn't get it, Chise had to explain it in a different way, "Hate is a very strong emotion. If ha person can't stand to be around another person and prefers not be involved with...I think that is hate."

His skull isn't capable to show his expressions, but his eyes certainly could...they were...sad. "She doesn't want to be around me?" bad memories of where he was despised by other neighbors came back to him. He grabbed his chest tight, while his body was shaken uncontrollably. "Elias?" Chise became concerned now, he was acting strange. "I don't like it. I don't want do. I...I want...her near me" his voice turned weaker, while his gaze went back to the direction of his home...where I was. The young mage knows that emotion that Elias goes though just now...since she had live with it for years...sadness is a horrible feeling. She hopes that it will pass soon and also, that it didn't mean it like that.

All she could...was hoping for it.

The ancient magus blessed child (Elias x Reader x Chise)Where stories live. Discover now