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WC: 683

"Sorry, man. You had some debris in your hair." He smiled, yet he seemed tense

"No, it's fine. I appreciate it. I'm Minho." Minho smiled back, holding out his hand

At first, he just looked at it. The other finally took it, gently shaking his hand. Maybe a little longer than necessary, but Minho didn't mind. "I'm Jisung. Are you new around here?"

Dropping hands, but their eyes never left one another. "He bought the old flower garden house," Felix spoke before Minho could say anything.

Minho watched the others' eyes widen and brighten, twinkling under the store's bright lights. "Really? It used to be so beautiful up there. When the couple passed and their kids sold the place, it went downhill quick."

Minho relaxed his broad smile, turning soft at the declaration. "Hopefully, I can bring it back up to that standard again. The house needs some major renovation before anything can happen on the outside." 

"We're going up to check out the situation with electrical and plumbing tomorrow."

Jisung let out an ample noise. "Oh, can I come check it out too?"

Minho couldn't help but smirk at how excited the male before him was, "What's your specialty?" Thinking he looked too proper to be working with his hands.

"Oh! I don't really do anything with home improvement. I'm a novelist. I just come by most days to bug Chan-hyung and Felix. They're like my second family." Blushing at the inquiry

"I figured. Your hands are too soft and lovely for manual labor." Teasing the blushing boy, making sure the other knew it was a tease

Whining at the other, the blush still high on his cheeks. "That could be taken as an insult. But I'll allow it to slide as you're new." Crossing his arms, giving a slight pout

Minho caved at the lower lip. Smirking once more before laughing with Jisung joining. "You can come along with them, Jisung-ssi." 

"Thank you, Minho-ssi." 

"Chan-ssi, how long does plumping normally take? That way, I know when I need to schedule hotel stays."

Chan cocked his head and raised a brow, "Hotel stay?"

Bobbing his head, "Yeah, there is one room that wasn't horrible. So, I'm staying there with my cats. But the bathroom had to be gutted. Nothing was salvageable. It was water-damaged beyond repair. I don't know about you, but I like taking showers periodically." He snickered

Shaking his head while smiling, he could tell Minho was a jokester. "I do. Whenever you need a shower, come over to my place. We have a guest house you can use. I'll talk to my wife and clear it with her. But it should be fine."

"No, I couldn't. We just met and-."

"Nonsense. You seem like a nice lad."

"Plus, he's friendly to everyone. He'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it." Felix spoke up, hearing Jisung snort and nod

Giving in, "I do appreciate it. I should head back. I've got some more work to do tonight before it gets too dark." Minho moved to start to gather his purchase

"Here. I'll help you." Jisung spoke up, gathering the rest of the items in his arms. The chubby-cheeked boy nudged the other forward.

Smiling, Minho spoke a quick goodbye to the brothers before leaving. Leading the male to his car, placing everything into the trunk. "Thank you for the help, Jisung-ssi."

"You can call me Jisung. I'm hoping we can get to know each other."

"Alright, Jisung. I was born in 98. Should I be calling you hyung?" Teasing the other some more

Jutting out his lips, "No, I should call you hyung. I'm two years younger."

"Oh?" Eyes twinkling delight, "I hope I see you around soon, Jisung."

"I'm sure we will. Hyung." Jisung smiled softly, making sure to emphasize hyung. A soft blush slowly caressed his features, walking back to the store. Before entering the store, he waved one last time.

Chuckling to himself, Minho held a fond smile. Knowing it was time to head home, he backed up and got on the road. Glad it was a short trip. Once he returned, he dreaded having to carry everything in himself. 

:) happy thursday night! thank you for reading! ~DQ ♥️ 

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