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WC: 682

Jisung grabbed the remote, settling back into the couch. He found the anime, starting at the beginning. There were only times they paused. The first was when Minho's delivery of groceries arrived. The other was when Minho went to cook dinner. The duo flowed through topics in their conversation. Minho did his best to joke and make Jisung giggle. 

Sitting down to eat, Minho watched him take the first bites filling his cheeks. "What?" he looked up

"Your cheeks are cute when you eat. Makes you look like a chipmunk."

Pouting at him, "Lixie says I look like a quokka." Raising a brow at him, Jisung whipped his phone out. Showing him a picture, Minho looked between the two.

"I can see it, cute quokka!" Minho smiled


"What's the matter, Jisung-ah?"

He shook his head, eyes falling back to his food. Going back to eating, Minho's smile didn't fade seeing the blush. Minho mimicked Jisung, eating his food. Finishing together, they moved to clean the mess up as a pair. They sat back on the couch, planning to watch only two more episodes. However, two quickly became six.

"Oh, fuck! I should head home. It's gotten late." Jisung looked at his watch

Minho noticed the time, not realizing that time had flown. "Yeah, I didn't realize that it had gotten so late. You'll be okay getting home?"

Minho noticed the quokka smiling at him, patting his knee softly. "Of course. I'm not that far. It's not like it's a bad community." Standing together, heading towards the door. "When can the kitties come out of the room? I feel bad having to leave them in that small room."

The elder couldn't help but laugh, "Probably tomorrow. As long as they've settled, they have all they need in that small room. Plus, I go and spend time with them at night. They are used to being put in their room at night. Since they terrorize at night."

"Oh, they just want to love their daddy."

Gulping, "Well, their daddy can't tie them up." Resisting the urge to smirk, seeing a similar reaction.

"Right, cats don't like that." Jisung looked up at him, eyes round and glossy

"No, no, they don't, Jisungie."

Snapping out of it at the mention of his name, Minho watched the gears start moving again. "I'll let you know when I'm home. I'll see you soon, hyung."

"Thank you, I'll appreciate that. See you soon, Jisung."

Jisung turned on his heel, leaving the house without a glance back. Minho closed the door softly after watching the younger pull out and away.

The elder followed a similar routine as the night before he headed to bed. He was glad he wouldn't have as early of a morning. Getting to the house today, he would start making the layout official and submit the paperwork. Measuring, adjusting, and rethinking. It took longer than the demo!

Hearing a knock on the back door, he called out to whoever it was. He wondered who he'd see. He'd left the door open yesterday for the brothers, who needed to grab keys. At long last he was nearing the end of measuring for the cabinets. He wrote down the sizes before using the iPad. This would create a more realistic view when he wasn't here and picking out cabinets.

"Hey, hyung."

Perking at the name, Minho hurried to finish but was stopped by an iced americano and a small bakery bag being placed in front of him. Smiling and offering a small thanks, he completed what he was on.

Once done, he closed the iPad and turned to the younger, who had been gazing at the barren room. "Hey, Jisung-ah."

Pivoting back and smiling, "all done?"

Grumbling, "Yeah, I wanted to get the kitchen layout completed. But it looks like it will be a little more complicated than I thought." The elder shrugged with a soft sigh. "That's fine. I like the challenge. Wanna sit in the garden today? It's not perfect. But it's better than these studs." Winking at the shorter male 

Smacking at his shoulder, "That was terrible and you know it!" 

don't come for me with the horrible joke... 😬  thanks for reading! have a great week and hopefully you don't get sick like me hah... until next time ~DQ ♥️ 

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