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WC: 688 

Hearing Jisung snicker at their hyung's annoyance, Chan walked them to the main house. Showing him the kitchen, Minho noticed the two watching him. Taking in what he was working with, he got to work to make them a nice dinner. The duo sat on the stool of the island, watching on as the newbie worked magic.

"Hyung, you act like a natural in the kitchen." Jisung eyes wide, unable to catch all his movements

Giggling, starting to cook after some prep work. "You never asked what I did for work."

"You're a chef, aren't you, Minho."

Minho smiled, turning back to chop up some more ingredients while some started cooking. "Yeah. I danced through uni and majored in culinary. However, I found out after graduation how boring and annoying customers could be. While I enjoy cooking and baking, it wasn't something I wanted to do every day all day."

"That's why you're opening the flower shop!" Jisung smiled

He bobbed his head, continuing to cook. "I still work three days at the 5-Star Hotel. They'd like me to be there more, but they take what they can get since that lets the other chefs have days off to plan. I don't need to prep like they do. I can come up with meals with whatever I find in the kitchen. That annoyed my instructors and classmates. I graduated top of my class."

The duo continued to ask questions about his school life while he cooked. The duo learned more about him. Jisung was surprised at his multitasking skills. Plating the food, he stood a cross from the pair starting to eat.

"Fuck, hyung! This is delicious!" Jisung shouted, covering his mouth and blushing at his outburst

Minho chuckled at the younger, finding the outburst cute. "Thank you, Jisung-ah."

They ate in peace, for the most part. Jisung continued to make happy noises, making the others laugh at him. Minho never dropped his smile directed at the younger. He couldn't help it! Jisung was insanely cute. Chan took the initiative after the meal to clean up the dishes, and Jisung followed suit. He wanted to do something, so he assisted in drying. Minho sat, chatting with them as they worked. However, they weren't nearly as good at multitasking. They continued to stop their task to turn to talk to him before resuming.

After the dishes were done and put away, Chan said he wanted to head upstairs. Nodding, Minho and Jisung took their leave. Not making it to the guest house, Jisung paused on the walkway.

"I should probably head home. It's getting late. I don't want to overstay my welcome."

Minho nodded, not wanting to contradict him. A part of him wanted Jisung to return to his place. Another wanted whatever he felt to fester some more. "of course. It was nice getting to know you, Jisung-ah."

Smiling softly, "Yeah, we'll have to find time to watch that anime you recommended. I want to watch it with you."

"Of course, you're always welcome. Especially when I have a place of my own. I think the cats like you more than they do me."

Hearing him giggle sent shivers down his spine. Every time the younger giggled, it sent a similar feeling down his spine. "It's a little chilly, huh, hyung?"

"Uh, yeah. Get home safe, alright?"

Once again, Jisung let out a small giggle. "I'm only up the road. When you have a free moment, you should stop by. Oh! Do you have your phone?" Nodding, pulling it from his back pocket. Jisung made grabby hands at it. Opening it, he handed it over. The elder peered over to see that he was adding himself as a contact. "I sent myself a message. Now we can message too if we can't see each other."

"Good thinking."

"I know-."

"Because you thought of it?" Minho cut him off, finishing his sentence. Hoping to hear the younger ones giggle once more for the night. Which he did.

"Yeah. You're a fast learner, hyung. Probably why you were top of your class."


Jisung lips curved upwards slightly, "Goodnight, hyung. See you soon."

"Night, Jisung. Yeah, soon." 

Thanks for reading! until next time ~DQ ♥️ 

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