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WC: 840

Morning came too soon for Minho. He was up and working hard already. Having torn out most of the electrical, whatever hadn't fallen out of the wall at him. Wanting a break from the walls that would cause more stress, he headed outside. Checking out the small building, it seemed to be the only thing not needing a full-scale remodel.


Minho looked up, surprised. The male had been inspecting the outlets. He moved to pop his head out of the building, not expecting anyone. The elder was sure there was shock on his face, but the boy walking up the driveway didn't acknowledge it.

"Hey, hyung. I knew the Aussie brothers were coming, but they wouldn't give me time. I also kinda wanted to see you again. Being as you invited me, here I am. I figured I'd pop up and see the place and you."

Minho chuckled at how the other male, thinking cute. "There isn't a lot to see right now. It is in shambles. This seems to be the only place that's not. Just needs to be made into what I want."

Minho watched the younger male look around, "Which is?"

He smiled softly at the question, looking over the room. "A flower shop. It's not much, but I've always enjoyed making bouquets and gardening. Why not do both?"

Jisung smiled, "Of course. If you'll have flowers all year, expect me all the time. I love them! So, expect a constant consumer."

Minho couldn't help but smirk. "I know the owner. I'll set you up a good deal."

"Oh, hyung. You're spoiling me already? We just met!" It was the younger's turn to smirk back at the elder. Minho held his tongue. Wanting to tease him more, but as Jisung said, they just met.

"I have to treat my future customers well." Minho decided that was the best comeback for now. He led them out, walking the grounds. He began thinking out loud of places to put some greenhouses. "You know about me. I know you're younger than me, a supposed novelist, but nothing more."

He heard the younger chuckle. The younger was impressed at the elder's multitasking ability. Jisung noticed the other had acquired a spray can. He'd wondered where he'd gotten a spray can, marking the ground. "I have a book or two in the car. That should prove my writing and publishing. I moved here fifteen years ago. My parents left me their house when they moved back to Malaysia when I turned 18. My house is actually around the block. It's on the next road over, but it is way too big for just me." Following the male around

"So why do you stay in a house too big?"

"I don't want to leave my friends. The area is beautiful. And the city is too full of people, I-." Looking up at the sudden pause, Minho noticed the younger one was antsy. He was looking everywhere but at him.

Minho noticed a spike of something in the younger. "You don't have to tell me. I was merely making conversation. You don't have to feel uncomfortable."

"Thanks, hyung, it's just that I have anxiety. The city makes it worse, even talking about it!" Jisung chuckled, taking a deep breath. " Anyway. So, I only go in when I'm ready to submit my book to my publisher. Stay at this downtown location because his buddy owns a gym and thinks I don't work out enough out here."

Minho giggles at him, waving a hand. "I lived in the city most of my life. It's not all it's cracked. It's cramped, and most people are always in a rush. It's hard to meet people. But you can blend. See stray animals, wild animals in the parks."

"That's what Hyunjinnie says."

"Hyunjinnie?" He turned his head, only knowing of one person who liked that nickname

Flapping a hand around, "Yeah, he's my publisher. He also sometimes teaches kids to dance. Real sweet guy. Sometimes, he's a real pabo. But he's one of my best friends in the city. I know I can count on him and Changbin hyung."

"Hwang Hyunjin? Seo Changbin?"

"Oh! You have heard of them?"

Minho couldn't help but smile broadly, "Yeah! Binnie is my best friend! I met Hyunjin through him. We were in different dance academies but met up from time to time to dance together."

"No way! Really? And we never crossed paths?" Jisung crossed his arms, following the elder on the path to the house

"Only up until now. Maybe the world wanted us to meet on our own?"

"Maybe! Fuck! This is awesome! I'll have to tell Hyunjinnie!" He bounced, unable to contain his excitement

Holding back his giggle, enjoying how excited he was. "They're going to be coming for a short visit at the end of the week if you want to surprise them?"

Turning to the younger just in time to see his eyes brighten and widen to the side of boba. It was fascinating how many expressions he could go through, wondering how many he'd missed when he was turned. 

Happy birthday to me :) so you get another chapter! Please enjoy!! Thank you for reading! until next time ~DQ ♥️ 

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