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WC: 681

Minho did his best to hold back his scowl, not wanting to scare off the smiley boy. "I don't have the best relationship with my parents. My friends all live in the city. That is a hike back and forth."

The duo didn't realize that Chan had walked in. It was his turn to take in the state of the house. "I talked with my wife. We agreed that you can use the guest house. We can change that to you living there for a month or so. That is until we can get you running water and electricity. We haven't seen the whole place, but from my viewpoint, this is not habitable right now."

Sighing, he didn't want to rely on anyone else. Especially people he'd just met, "Hyung, where is the water for the kitties? They dumped theirs when they were running around. Oh! Hey Lixie, Chan hyung."

Chan could only raise a brow at the duo, "He came before you two since you didn't tell him a time. He wanted to meet my house companions."

"Lixie! Guess who he is friends with! Hyunjinnie and Binnie hyung!" Jisung came out into the baren room.

"What? Really? That is awesome! Hyunjin said that you were a better dancer than him. You should come to my dance studio. I run it at night, giving lessons to kids and teens. Occasionally adults. He idolized you!"

Shaking his head, "Jinnie can exaggerate, as I'm sure you know. I have a lot on my plate right now, but maybe once this is finished. Can we maybe veer back to the task at hand?"

"Right, we'll get to work and figure out an estimate and time frame for it all," Chan spoke, moving back into professional mode. Watching the two head off in two different directions, Minho led Jisung back to the room.

Minho moved a couple of boxes and a tote to reveal a small container of plastic water bottles. He offered one to the younger. Jisung had cleaned up the mess, which for some reason, shocked him. However, he could appreciate it. Watching him talk to the cats as he watered them, setting the half-full bottle on his camp table.

"You should take up Chan's offer, hyung. I can tell you want to be independent, but it's not just you. You have your babies to care for." Jisung made a valid point, petting one of the babies. 

The elder looked towards the younger, then to his two babies. This room was small and cramped, and he was constantly worried that they would eat something they shouldn't. "You're right."

"I know I am. That's why I said it." Looking back to the younger, who held a similar smirk to the one he usually sported.

Scuffing, smirking back at him. "Full of yourself, aren't you Jisung-ah."

"You have no idea."

Hearing something crash, Minho sighed. This would soon be followed by Felix calling out a sorry. The duo went out to join the Aussies, who seemed to be creating more of a mess for the new homeowner.

It was a long day. Working in each room, the professional went through each one. They worked in separate rooms to mark out what they had to do, what they would need, and what would need to be fixed before they could do their part. Finally, they made an overall plan. Meaning, Minho would have a lot to accomplish before Felix could start. Chan would have more fun, having to go under the house to start. Having to fix joints or whatever he called it.

On top of all that, the three boys helped Minho move to Chan's guest house. He was only a couple of minutes away. With Jisung's help, he got his devils back into the crates. After they were safe in the crates, the group picked up the room and put it in Minho's car.

"Where is the rest of your stuff, Minho?" Chan asked, placing the last small tote in the front seat foot area. He proceeded to pat one of the crates of the crying cats, wishing to soothe their yowls. 

:) Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! Until next time ~DQ 😊 

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