Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {33}

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Lucky's POV:

It's been like a day or two since I almost broke Mike and Ivan up all because of my stupid mistake. My love bite from Mike was all covered up by now and I was so glad of that. On the first day, I had to use makeup to cover it up so Danny would notice it. Who knows what could've happened if he saw it? I'm sure he'd assume it was Mike, but now that he was Ivan, he would probably come up with either Jason or someone else. But, not Sam. Obviously not Sam.

Anyway, for a couple days I haven't been attending school and Danny's been trying really hard to peer into my mind and find out what's up. The reason why I didn't go back to school was because everyone keeps talking about Sam and I. Crystal saw Sam and I kissing on my birthday and told the whole school about us. Danny heard the rumors too, but didn't believe them. He thought people only said that because they knew him and I were always hanging out together.

And now somehow, they've heard that him and I have split up. I don't think I really have the courage to face them. I'd probably break out into tears and Danny'll finally be convinced that there really is something going on between the two of us. Thus, destroying their friendship and keeping me locked up in my room like Rapunzel locked in the tower as a damsel in distress.

I knew with everyday Danny was becoming angrier and angrier that I was missing school and for not telling him why, and I knew there was going to come a day when he was going to make me attend, even if it means forcing me there. And that day, happened to be today. Yay! NOT!

Danny had barged into my room at 6:45. He smelled of Axe and hair gel. Immediately, he pounced on me and tried to take my snow white blankets off of me. Groaning, I kept a tight grip on them and tried to push him off of me at the same time.

I've been through this many times to know that if I kept trying, Danny would soon give up and leave. Many times I would try to pretend to be sick, so I wouldn't have to take some stupid test that I had completely forgotten about it and did not have time to study for, or I had gotten into trouble with someone and didn't want to see them in case of getting hurt or yelled at.

And every time I won and didn't have to go to school, and it was all thanks to my stubbornness. But, for some reason today, I felt different, like today I was going to be defeated, but it was probably just a feeling. A very weird and wrong feeling.

"Lucky, I don't care what you say or do! Today, one way or another, you are so going to school!" Danny shouted.

"No!" I cried.



All of a sudden, Danny just stopped and got off of me.

"Fine, I give up. But, just so you know, I have a secret weapon that'll make you go whether you like it or not!" he threatened.

'Secret weapon?' I thought to myself. 'What secret weapon?'

Who could it be? Kassie probably. Or maybe Mike. Well, if that's the case, then yeah right Danny, you are so wrong! But, what if it's...?


I heard loud thumping footsteps coming into my room and I gulped. I knew I was doomed now. Sam has ways of making me go. Ways Danny would never have.

"I'll be waiting outside." I heard Danny's footsteps leaving the room.

"No!" I wanted to cry out, but all of a sudden my mouth felt dry.

Underneath the covers, I could feel beads of sweat on my forehead. Everything was silent. Sam didn't say a word or move at all, if he did I would've heard him. But, no. I heard absolutely nothing. I knew Sam was using this as a sneak attack, but I just didn't know when he would strike.

Slowly and gently, the floorboards began to creak and I knew he was coming towards me. And then I felt the bed move and soon enough Sam was right on top of me. All of his body pressure rested on mine and I found it hard to move. But, still I did nothing. Not yell or scream, or kick and punch him. Why? Was I in shock of something...or what?

All of a sudden, my eyes were filled with light and tiny spots danced around in the air. Sam had pulled the covers off of my face and his dark brown eyes were staring back into mine. He was so close to me that I could practically see my own reflection in his pupil.

"Lucky," he breathed on my face. "My sweet. How are you?"

My words caught in my throat and I was completely awed at his behavior. He wasn't mad at me? How come? I gripped my bed sheets underneath me instead of replying back to him, and turned my head to the side. I could still see Sam lean forward and nudge his face against mine, his lips ran down my collarbone.

It reminded me of Mike and that reminded me of what I did. I gasped loudly when I felt Sam press his lips against my neck and start sucking on it. I started to quickly get up then, but then I remembered that I couldn't, not with Sam still on top of me.

But, what I really didn't get was: why isn't Sam mad or yelling at me? Or does he already know and just doing this to play with my mind? I needed to know and I needed to know now!

"Sam!" I groaned, trying to free one of my legs.

"Yes, my little Lucky charm?" he replied.

"Why aren't you mad at me? And what are you tryin' to pull?"

"Well, I don't know why I should be mad at you, but I do know that I'm am trying to pull you off of this bed and to school."

Ha ha, how funny!

"Well, get off, 'cause it's not working!" I said.

"Are you sure? Or are you lying to me?"

"Didn't you look at your phone?"

Sam got off me then and plopped down next to me, with his arm wrapped around my waist.

"Nah, it got stolen a couple days ago." Sam said.

I snapped my head towards him then and looked to see if he was lying or not.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah. Why? Was there something important in there for me?"

I quickly shook my head no. I know I should've told Sam what I did, but this wasn't the right time.

"Sam, what's taking so long?!" I heard Danny shout from outside.

I jumped a little, but then calmed down, when I knew that Danny wasn't going to come back up.

"Why don't you wanna go to school?" Sam asked me softly, stroking my cheek.

"Because of what people are saying about us." I told him, before I could stop myself.

"So, let them talk, why do care about they say? You never cared before."

"But, what if Danny-?"

"He won't! Don't worry about him, alright?"

I nodded my head, giving up and sighed.

"Alright, I'll go." I said.

"That's my sweet Lucky." Sam kissed my head, then got up and left the room for me to get ready.

I smiled a little too myself and then stood up and took a quick shower, put clothes and makeup on, then ran out the door and over to Sam and Danny.

"Thanks again, man." Danny said to Sam.

"Hey, if it's anyone that can get Lucky out of bed, then it's me. Need me again, call me. I'm always happy to help." he replied, giving me a cute smile and a wink.

I tried to not to blush or let it show, but like always it never worked. And Sam was right about not listening to what people said, because today I had a great day and Danny never suspected a thing! And I also realized another thing today, Sam was just as slick as Jason is, but in a good way. A great way, actually.

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