Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {20}

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Lucky's POV:

When I finally found my Nokia, it was in my pillow case. Man, how could I forget I put it under there. I've been wondering why my pillow felt so lumpy at night. I kept a lot of stuff in there, from drawings to my own song lyrics and some other random stuff.

"Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey there, Cupcake." a deep voice answered back.

I gasped. It was Jason. How did he get my number. I looked around and saw Sam seated on my computer chair and Danny leaning against the table, talking. I didn't want them to hear or know that it was Jason who had called, so I whispered to him.

"What do you want from me?" I asked.

"Why, you know what I want. You said it yourself." Jason responded.

So, that means he's been spying on me. For how long though?

"Look, Jason, please just leave me alone." I softly begged him.

"If you think I'm really gonna leave you alone, why do you think I came all this way? I love you, my dear. And you know me so well, so you should know that I always get what I want and don't stop till I get it." Jason replied.

"Who is it, Lucky?" I heard Danny ask. "It better not be Jason or I swear, I'm gonna-"

"No, it's just...just a wrong number. Lemme just ask who he wants, maybe we know them."

"Alright then." Danny turned back around and continued talking with Sam.

"Wow, your brother sure is gullible. That's something I could use." Jason continued.

"Don't you hurt him!" I warned.

"Oh, my sweetheart, I can do what I want when I want, don't you remember?"

Oh, I remembered very well. One day, when Jason and I were out walking, some guys were bothering us and Jason got so mad he started beating them up. Jason almost killed one of them, I begged him to stop, but he wouldn't listen to me. When he heard the police sirens, he pulled me away from there. I thought that guy was dead, but on the news I heard that he was still alive, but had amnesia. So, he didn't remember anything that happened or how he got the way he is now. Jason got away just like that and that's one of the reasons I broke up with him. He was too dangerous. He was a bad boy. He was part of a gang. How could I fall in love with someone like that?

"Just tell me what's it gonna take for you to get outta here." I said after a while.

"I'll think about it. See ya later, Cupcake." Jason hang up and I fell down on my bed, my head landing on my pillow.

I held my pillow like a teddy and said, "I think I'm gonna go to sleep now."

"But, it's only seven-thirty." Sam replied.

"I'm really tired."

"Alright, we'll leave you alone." Danny said.

They both left my room and I cried silently, until I fell asleep.


A/N: Ok, so I kinda made it obvious that it waz Jason who called her in the last ch. so, yea........

& this ch. waz BORING! well, 2 me at least, I waz actually kinda stuck on what 2 rite.

But, the next ch. iz Lucky's b-day & I swear ur gonna luv it, 'cuz somethin u've alwayz wanted iz gonna happen.

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