Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {14}

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Lucky's POV:

The next day, Kassie was absent, so it was just me and Mike. After school, Mike told me his secret. He just blurted it out. I didn't even expect it and when it hit me, it hit me hard.

"Lucky, I can't keep it in me any longer! I need to tell you and I need to tell you now!" he had said.

Before I even had a chance to say anything, Mike just spilled it.

"Lucky, I'm bi."

I just stared at him with my mouth open wide. I didn't know what to do; I didn't know if I should cry or laugh. Like half of me thought that Mike was just joking, but the other half actually believed him.

"But, you-I.... How can you..." I stuttered.

"I'm so sorry, Lucky! I really wish I wasn't like this, but I was born this way and there's nothing I can do about it."

"So, I-I have no chance?"

Warm tears spilled over my eyes and onto my cheeks.

"Lucky, Lucky, please don't cry!" Mike said.

"How can I not? I love you!" I sobbed.

"I love you too, Lucky! But, like I said, you deserve better than me. You're beautiful and young, you can find someone way better than me. I belong with someone like me. Not, someone like you. Because I'm not like you at all."

Mike wrapped his arms around me and held me as I cried nonstop. I didn't care if people were staring or not.

"Can-can I at least get one kiss from you before you leave?" I asked, once I was kind of done with crying.

"But, that would only make it harder for me to let you go." Mike replied.

"Please? Just once?"

I held my head up to look at Mike.

"Ok." Mike said hesitantly

Mike leaned forward and our lips finally touched. It was just so perfect! It was so perfect how our lips molded together. I never wanted to stop. Mike kept trying to pull away, but I didn't let him. I wrapped my arms tight around Mike's neck and moved my body against his. I heard Mike moan and I smiled. I started nibbling on Mike's lips as we got more and more into the kiss.

Soon Mike's arms were wrapped tight around me and I could feel him clutching my shirt. Mike's slid up and down my back, making me groan. It felt so... right. And so nice. I felt so good to touch him and have him touch me in such a way. His hands felt like magic as they touched my back. And I'm not talking about the back of my shirt, I mean my back! Just as I slipped my hand down and put it on his zipper, Mike pulled away.

"Ok, I think that's enough!" he panted.

But, I didn't think it was enough. I wanted more! I wanted the whole Mike to myself. I don't want to share him with anybody but me. I felt so envious of whoever it was that stole Mike's heart and refused to give it back.

"Who-who is he?" I asked him.

"Who?" he said.

"The other guy that you like." I clarified.

"Oh. It's a guy in another class, his name's Ivan."

"Do you love him more than me?"

Mike stayed silent for a while.

"I-I don't know."


I pulled away from Mike.

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