Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {15}

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Sam's POV:

I think I might actually have a shot now. Lucky's single and I guess still a little upset. Seeing her with someone else upsets me sometimes, because I still haven't really figured out my feelings for her yet. I liked her, but she's younger than me and Danny's sister. Even though Danny and I were really close friends, Lucky and I didn't know much about each other. We didn't talk much either, only occasionally when I came over or needed something and Danny wasn't there to help me.

I was over at Danny's house again and also taking a bath there. When I was over in the kitchen, I dropped some orange soda on me and it was a really big stain and I was just so sticky, I needed a shower immediately. I took one here, so my mom wouldn't get mad at me for messing up my shirt, which she had just cleaned yesterday.

Danny went out to go do something, so I was alone in the house. I picked up the soap and was about to start scrubbing my back with it, when it slipped from my hands and dropped onto the floor. I tried to reach over and grab it, but it was too far away. I was about to get up and stretch my arm over, but before I could I heard the door jingling.

I thought it was Danny at first, but he knew I was taking a bath in here, so why would he bother coming inside? That's when I realized it wasn't Danny, instead it was Lucky. She hadn't noticed me in the bathtub or the soap on the ground. And let's just say it didn't end so well. Lucky ended up slipping on the soap and fell in the tub backwards.

"Lucky, are you ok?!" I asked frantically.

Lucky looked at me, then spit water and soap out. Her whole face and hair was covered in soap, I could hardly see it.

"Do I look ok to you?" she cried.

"No, not really."

"What are you even doing in here?"

"Takin' a bath, what's it look like?"

She looked like she was about to kill me.

"Well, didn't you ever think about lockin' the door?!" she asked.

"Well, I didn't think anyone would come in!" I replied.

"Whose house is it?"



"Well, I'm sorry!"

"Is your bath over or what?"



Man, am I glad that Danny's not home or what?

"You go first." I told her.


Lucky started to get up, but then quickly sat back down.

"Maybe it's best if you go ahead first." she said.

"Why? What's the matter?" I asked, concerned.

"I don't know, but my leg kills!"

"Is it broken?"

"I don't know, but it feels like it."

"Alright, let me help you. First close your eyes."

Lucky did as I said and I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around the lower half of my body. I made sure it was wrapped securely around me and wasn't going to open up. The towel wasn't nearly big enough to cover my whole body, so that's as far as I got.

"Alright open."

I then walked towards the tub and held my hands out for Lucky to grab. She took a hold of them and strained to stand up. As she tried, I saw the tears rolling down her eyes.

"Careful." I said.

I looked down a little and couldn't help staring at her body. Her clothes were all wet and since she was wearing white I could sorta see through it. I tried to force myself to look away, but I just couldn't, it was as if my eyes were glued to her body.

"What?" she asked.

"Nothing." I lied, shaking my head.

"Don't stare at me like then."

I was finally able to look away then. I then heard Lucky wince and she squeezed her eyes shut in pain.

"Ok, put me down! Put me down! Put me down!" she cried suddenly.

I sat her back down in the tub.

"Don't ever do that again!"

"Sorry, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault."

"This is never gonna work!" Lucky was crying even more now.

"Yes, it is! I'm not gonna stop tryin' till you get outta this tub!" I sounded so confident and I felt so brave.

I wasn't gonna let Lucky just sit in there and let her catch a cold. Lucky looked up at me probably surprised.

"But, how?" she asked.

I had an idea, but I didn't know how Lucky would react to it. Like what if it made her feel awkward stuff? It's bad enough I got her into this situation. But, it's better than just sittin' in the tub all day. So, I went with the idea. I scooped her up in my arms and held her. She looked at me surprised, but said nothing.

I stared at her for a while. Both of our hairs were dripping wet as well as our clothes. I could see a few trails of dry tears on her cheeks and there was a light blush appearing across her face. Believe me, I was nervous as well. What if I slipped and fell with her? What if my towel dropped? But, none of that happened.

I walked out of the bathroom and into Lucky's bedroom. All the while I felt her eyes on me, but when I could turn my head to look at her, she would look away. I set her down on the bed and then went back into the bathroom with some new clothes. I put them on and then came back into the room.

There I saw Lucky staring at her foot in pain. I went over to her and sat down on the bed. She looked at me, tears forming once again in her eyes. I looked at her foot and started softly massaging it. I tried to be careful and touch it as soft as I could, but it wasn't good enough. I could still hear Lucky wincing every now and then. After a while, I stopped.

"Well, it's definitely broken, but I could be wrong." I concluded.

Lucky didn't say anything. I looked at her, her eyes on me. I reached my hand up to brush her hair away, which was glued to her face.

"I'll go call the doctor and Danny."

Lucky merely nodded and I stood up to go get the phone. After I called the doctor and Danny, the doctor checked Lucky and I was right; her leg was broken and in a big, white cast at the moment. I felt like it was my fault, which it was. It's like Lucky keeps getting hurt because of me. It's as if I cause bad luck to her.

This gave me an excuse to see her more often. Since it was my fault, I would be the one to help her at all times.

"Lucky, I'm really, really sorry!" I said to her, after the doctor.

"Hey, don't worry about it, Sam, it's alright." she replied.

"But, seriously, can I at least make it up to you?"


"I'll take care of ya till your foot gets better."

"You don't have to do that, I'm here for her." Danny replied.

"It's alright, I think I can handle it."

"Believe me, it's not that easy."

"What do you mean?"

After a couple days, I figured out what Danny meant by what he said.


A/N: Sry I had 2 cut it short, next ch. will explain more.

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