Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {6} - Edited.

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Sam's POV:

It was at lunch today that I noticed that beautiful, beautiful girl staring at me from all the way across the lunchroom from her own table. I really wondered why but it wasn’t like I could actually just go over to her and ask her the reason for it.

She was sitting with her friend, Lucky, again and moving her eyes around all of the other lunch tables as well, mostly the ones with guys seated there. I noticed one of the guys had winked at her as she maneuvered her eyes around, but all she did was simply return a smile.

Most girls I know would’ve been offended if a freak like that guy had done something like that, but I could tell with just one look at her that she was different. A good kind of different.

When she looked over at me, she didn’t look away too quickly. In fact, she kept her eyes there for a good minute and a half. I knew that she was probably waiting for me to look up and meet her eyes, but I also knew that if I did that, she would look away.

But, after a while, it was a little hard not to meet her gaze. She was just too darn beautiful to ignore. And all at once then, she ducked her head, her face red. She looked up a few seconds later then, secretly and I quickly moved my head away.

A few minutes later when I looked back, I saw her waving over at Danny and he waved back. It was then that emo guy who had winked over at her before had started making her way over to the two. He probably asked if he could take a seat and when they approved, he sat right down next to Kassie herself.

I saw two of them get introduced and then shake hands. Something weird happened then, the two never let go and seemed to actually be lost in each others’ eyes or something. They just sat there, staring intently at each other as if there were no one else left in the world but the two of them.

Until finally, the other girl, Lucky snapped them out of it. Even from all the way over here, I could see the guy still holding onto Kassie’s hand and softly stroking it under the table. She didn’t seem to mind any of this at all; all she did was just smile softly back at him.

I moved my head over to Danny, but his eyes already seemed to be trained on her as well already.

“Hey Danny, what’s up?” I asked him, even though I already knew the answer.

“I’ll be right back.” he said, getting up.

I watched as he walked over to their table and I may not have been able to hear what they were talking about over the roar of the whole lunchroom, but I could tell Danny must’ve said something that offended the guy, ‘cause he immediately dropped Kassie’s hand and turned his head away, his eyebrows arched together.

Knowing that Danny’s work must be done, he came back, not saying one word to me. My eyes moved back over to Kassie and I noticed that she was sadly staring back at the guy. But, I looked away quickly, in case Kassie noticed me staring this time and put two and two together and figured something out.

The next day at lunch, I saw Kassie in a mixture of emotions; she was both excited and impatiently waiting for something and the whole time she was, she looked even more beautiful. It wasn’t until the end of the day that I finally got to find out why.

I watched her as she and her friends made their way over to a black motorcycle a couple of yards away from Danny and I. Standing near the bike was the freak from before with a grin on his face for the two girls as they walked past us.

It was Lucky who got there first and Kassie was just about to when all of a sudden, I see, Danny race after them and pull her arm back. Since I was right behind him as they talked, I could hear every word being said.

“What?!” she had snapped at him as Danny spun her around.

“Where do you think you’re going with that emo guy?” Danny gritted through his teeth.

An angry look settled across Kassie’s face as she answered him. “First of all, his name is Mike! And second, he’s letting me and my friend take a ride on his motorcycle.” she pulled her arm away then.

“Well…” Danny paused, probably to try and come up with something good to say. “Sam told me that that guy isn’t good. He’s trouble, big trouble.”

My eyes looked up then and at Kassie herself. She had an incredioulous look on her face as if it were near impossible for that statement to be true.

“Why would Sam care about me?”

“Well, I swear to God, if he hurts you in any way-“ she cut him off then.

“Lemme guess,” she placed her hands on her hips and arched an eyebrow. “You’ll get Sam to beat him up for you?”

I noticed that they were both using my name in a weird way, but neither one of them had noticed me standing there listening to everything. It was almost as if I were invisible to them while they went through this little argument of theirs.

“You’re damn right I will.”

Dang, he sounds pissed.’ I thought to myself.

Kassie’s face softened then and she dropped her hands.

“Well, maybe it’s not Sam that cares so much about me; it’s you!” she said.

Danny didn’t say anything for a while then and then finally he just sighed deeply. He still didn’t say a word and instead just stared down at his shoes, with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his jeans.

“Danny...” she trailed off, probably not knowing what to say now.

He looked up then and I noticed his eyes were shining from the angle that I was looking at him from.

“Just...” he sighed again. “Just please be careful! Please!” he looked almost as if he were more pleading her then asking her do this. “I mean, I’ve already lost one girl in my life, I really don’t need to lose another one.”

“Hey, you comin’?!” the emo guy called to her from where he was.

“Um, yeah, I’ll be right there!” she called back to him, before turning around to face Danny once again. He stood there hanging his head, looking so upset it even made me feel bad. “Don’t worry, Danny, I promise, nothing is ever gonna happen to me!”

Danny finally raised his head then and said, “If you say so.”

“So, can I go?” Kassie grinned.

"Yeah, fine, go ahead." Danny nodded.

Kassie leaned forward then as Danny gave in and gave Danny a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Then, she turned and left to her friends. I watched with Danny until she got on the bike and rode off to finally go over to him and place a hand on his shoulder.

He looked almost as if he were about to start crying and I wondered what he meant by what he said. Did his last girlfriend like break up with him or run away with someone else, or what? It didn’t really feel like the right time to ask him that let alone anything else.

“You alright, dude?” I asked him.

“Yeah,” he answered me back. “I’m fine.”

I didn’t bother with saying or asking anything else then and just started walking over to my bike as Danny followed pursuit. We both got on my bike and I drove towards our houses.

We got home first, beating the girls and the emo guy and since I didn’t really feel like staying and Danny didn’t bother trying to make me come in or anything, I went on home. When I got up to my room, I lied down on my bed and started doing what I’ve been doing since yesterday – thinking about Kassie.

A/N: Ok so you all might be a bit confused now, bcoz Sam has Kassie & Lucky confused. It's bcoz he saw Lucky & Danny together, so she thinks that she's Kassie who Danny likes and Kassie is Lucky, his sister. But, don't worry, he's gonna figure out the truth later.

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