Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {8} - Edited.

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Lucky's POV:

“Oh hey, you’re necklace, it’s broken!” Kassie pointed out to me.

I looked down at my neck and saw that she was right. The necklace that Lance had gifted to me, it really was broken, right in half!

“Oh, that bitch, if she hadn’t tripped me, this wouldn’t have happened!” I stared down at it in my hand and felt tears at the brim of my eyes.

“Hey, I could fix it for you if you’d like.” I heard a voice say then.

Looking up, I saw Mike standing in front of me and I immediately felt my face flushing.

“You know how?” I asked him.

“Well, I sure can try.” he held his hand out and I handed over the necklace.

He walked over to our regular table and I watched as moved it around his fingers, looking at the damage.

“So, is it fixable?” I asked him.

“It’ll take some time, but I think I can,” he looked up at me. “Lemme keep it till next period; I have art, so I think there are some tools there that’ll be of some help.”

“Hey, you know if you can’t fix it, it’s alright.” I told him, after the bell rang.

“Don’t you worry; I am going to fix this for you, no matter what.” Mike told me, before giving me a sweet smile and walking out of the lunchroom along with everybody else.

I turned around and saw Kassie grinning at me.

”What?” I asked her.

“You two are just so adorable, is all.” she told me.

I shook my head at her, but even I couldn’t deny that she was right. We really did have something together. I didn’t know if it was something as special as chemistry or if this was how he treated all of his girl friends – or friends that were girls.

After my next class, which was science, was over, I stood in the hall, leaning against my locker waiting for Kassie and Mike. The bell was almost about to ring and the halls were starting to empty out as kids began heading to their next class and the two still never showed up. I started to get a little impatient and was close to just leaving for my next class as well, when I turned around and saw Mike running over to me.

"Hey!" he greeted me.

"Hey." I smiled back at him.

"I fixed it in Art class, just like I said I would."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much!"

“Oh, and guess what, I also had time to make you this.” Mike held up a bracelet to me that matched the bracelet. It even had my name on it just like the necklace did.

Mike helped with putting on me – first the bracelet and then the necklace – and then somehow something came over me. There was an undeniable huge amount of happiness coursing through me that was just waiting to break out of me already.

I turned around just as Mike had finished fastening the necklace around me, a wide grin on my face and seeing that beautiful face of his, I just practically leaped into his arms. The force of it knocked him back against my locker. But, Mike didn’t really seem to have mind because he just wrapped his arms around me.

I sighed happily and squeezed him tighter against me. I felt Mike’s hand sliding down my back and wrapping them around my waist. I slowly moved my head back a little to look up at him and saw Mike’s face looking similar to mine, red and bright. Our eyes were locked and followed each others’; neither one of us wanted to be the first to pull away and break the gaze.

I couldn’t help thinking that maybe, just maybe he really did feel the same way about me. Just as I was about to lean forward and find out, I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind us and we quickly pulled apart. I didn’t know which one of us was the first to do so, but as long as we didn’t get in trouble, we were good.

“The bell is about to ring soon, you two should get to class.” It was only Mr. Bruno; he was one of the nice teachers that hardly ever yelled or gave too much homework.

He soon walked away and I turned back towards Mike. He had one hand behind his neck and was looking away, while rubbing it sheepishly.

“Um, I-we should go.” I finally said.

“Uh yeah,” he agreed. “Um, I’ll see you later.”

“Yeah. Uh, thanks again.” I smiled at him.

”You’re welcome.” he returned one back to me.



I half ran, half skipped the other way to my next class, English, which had Mr. Bruno as my teacher. I was grateful to have made it a few seconds before the final bell rang. I took my seat next to Kassie there and filled her in on everything I could before Mr. Bruno came on in and started the lesson.

After class, I realized something and asked her where she was when all of this was going on.

“Oh, uh, I had something to ask Mrs. Flores about my Spanish project, that’s why I couldn’t meet you at your locker like usual,” she explained. “Sorry.”

”It’s fine,” I told her. “I’m just  so happy right now!”

I thought of asking Kassie to ask Mike if he  did have any feelings for me or not - but in like a totally casual and nonchalant way, as to not reveal anything of course - but I just don't know if that'd be right or not.

I mean, from what happened today in the hall, he really looked like he might, but what if asking Kassie to ask him instead of just doing it by myself made him change his mind?


‘I guess I’ll just have to figure it out by myself.’


Lucky's Necklace(Imagine it says Lucky):


Lucky's Bracelet (Imagine it says Lucky):


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