Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {7} - Edited.

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Lucky's POV:

So basically now everyday, Danny comes home with Sam on his motorcycle and I come home with Kassie on Mike’s motorcycle. After about a week, Kassie’s finally gotten used to the bumpy rides and the speed that Mike drives.

For a few days now, I’ve been...feeling something towards a certain someone and I really needed some advice on what to do or at least to just tell someone about it, and who better to do it with than my best friend, Kassie?

So, I decided to tell her. We were walking to lunch, where Mike waited for us at our usual table, when I finally got it out of my mouth.

“Hey, Kas, if I tell you something, will you promise not to tell anyone else about it?” I asked her first.

“Of course.” she replied back.

“Uh, not even Mike, ok?” I added.

She stopped then and turned to face me. I could feel my cheeks reddening as she stared at me with a curious and suspicious look at the same time.

“What is it?” she asked me. “Is it something bad? Did something happen?!”

”No, no, it’s nothing like that!” I took a deep breath and then exhaled before speaking up again. “I…think I like Mike.”

Kassie was completely silent at first, but then all of a sudden, her mouth started to form a smile, then a grin, and finally her mouth opened wide to scream out, “Oh my gosh, you like-!”

I quickly reached over to slap my hand over her mouth before she could finish that sentence and everyone in the hallway around us would hear and find out too.

“Oh my gosh, shut up! Are you trying to tell the whole school too?!” she shook her head no and I sighed. “Ok, I’m going to let go now, but only if you’re not going to start screaming again. You ready?” She nodded her head slowly and I just as slowly took my hand away from her mouth. “There. Good girl.”

We continued our walk to the lunchroom while Kassie started asking me about a million questions a minute.

“Does he like you back?” she started off with the basic one.

“I don’t know.” I answered her with my obvious and devastating answer.

“You want me to ask him?” she grinned widely at me.

“No way!” I exploded out.

"Why not?!"

"Because then he'll find out that I like him and if he doesn't like me back, then there'll be all awkward-ness between us and I don't think I'll be able to handle all that." I frowned, feeling even my insides turning sad.

As we were walking, we passed by Crystal and her friend Annabelle. There was a smirk on her face and I arched an eyebrow at her. All of a sudden then, I found myself on the floor, staring up at her.

“Wow, Lucky, you really should watch where you’re going next time,” Annabelle commented.

“You know if you really were lucky, then you probably wouldn’t have fallen today.”

“You mean if you weren’t such a bitch, you wouldn’t have tripped me!” I retorted back.

“Well, what are you gonna do? Sit there and just cry about it?” said Crystal.

She and her little clique all laughed and then spun on her heels and walked on. While Kassie seethed about them, I noticed someone was coming towards me, looking up I saw that it was….Sam?

I wondered if he was coming up to me or walking past and since I so desperately wanted to find out, I stayed on my spot on the floor. But, before he could make it to me, Kassie grabbed my two hands and pulled me back up.

“You alright?” she asked me.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I replied back, brushing myself off.

I could still feel Sam’s eyes on me, but when I looked over to him, he just walked past me and opened the door to the cafeteria. I shrugged it off and just went on it with Kassie next to me.

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