Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {35}

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Lucky's POV:

A few days after I got the gift from Jason, I began avoiding Sam again. I know, I know, it's a stupid thing, but I am doing it for his own good. He needs to be protected and I'm not letting him get hurt because of me! I love and care about him too much to just let that happen and then not do anything about it.

I was actually never mad at Sam for kissing that girl. I know she kissed him, I'm not stupid and I always believe every word Sam tells me, so why should that be any different? And the only reason I sent Sam that picture was because I was hoping we'd have a fight and Jason would be watching, so he'd see that I have nothing to do with him.

It hurt a lot to see Sam and all his affection towards me, but it'd hurt me a lot more if anything ever happened to him due to me.

Anyway, today I had gone to the mall, but not alone this time. I was without Kassie, but with someone else. It was a boy. Some guy that went to my school, his name was like Keith or something. Well, he told me that he thinks I'm cute, but he knows that I have a thing for Sam. But, he also knew that they were some problems between us right now, so he asked me to go to the mall with him. I agreed to it and hoped Jason would be there to watch us together.

We were at Macy's looking at jewelry, when I turned my head to the side and saw Sam glaring at us. I looked down and turned my head back. Keith was looking at the watches and I was just fiddling with the bracelet that Mike had gifted me. I was bored out of my mind.

As cute as Keith was, he just wasn't my type. Sure he was a jock, but he wasn't very intimating. He was more of the good boy type. Which I didn't really like, because well they're just plain boring. I wanted a thrill in my life, someone exciting, someone like Jason. That's how I met him. At a club, I wasn't really supposed to go there, but Danny was going and it wasn't fair that he got to go and I didn't. Besides Danny was a year older than me and if he could get a fake ID made, so could I.

Anyway, I was knocked out of my thoughts as Sam brushed up behind me and pressed his lips to my ears.

"Follow me. I need to talk to you." he whispered.

I looked towards Keith, he was still talking to the register lady and hadn't noticed Sam yet. Before he could though, I slipped away from him. I followed Sam into the bathrooms and when I got there, Sam shut the door and I swiveled around to face him.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Why are you with Keith?" Sam replied. "Because he can make you laugh?"

I remembered that joke Keith had told me back by the jewelry, I didn't really understand it, but I just laughed for no reason.

"At least he doesn't make me cry," I snapped. "Besides I happen to find him very interesting and trustworthy as well."

"Wow, since when do you like "interesting" guys?"

"Since forever!"

I don't really know why I was getting mad; if it was because I knew Jason was watching us right now or because something inside of me missed the way Danny and I would bicker, and then Sam would be the one to break it up for us. Maybe I missed him pretending to come over for Danny, when really he was here for me.

Sam then pushed me up against the wall and leaned his face close to me.

"Well, then I think I can become interesting for you." he whispered.

Sam lifted my chin up and made me look into his eyes. I didn't say anything or do anything, because I couldn't. Sam had once again taken control of my emotions and there was nothing I could do about it, because I knew I would fail if I tried to do so. I didn't even stop myself when he cupped his hands around my face and leaned in. I sighed as I felt his lips kiss mine softly, it felt just as magical as our first kiss did.

"As romantic as this is, this really isn't the place for it." I said, pulling away.

I hated bathrooms that weren't mine, they always stunk and were filled with toilet paper on the floor, plus the seat was always up. I mean, would it kill you to leave it down after you used it?!

"You're right, so should we go somewhere better?" Sam replied.

I nodded my head and leaned in for another kiss. I found myself even more lost in this kiss, than the last one and I almost didn't hear the loud, thundering footsteps that echoed in the room. I gasped and jerked my face away from Sam's. I looked around to find out where it was coming from and I wondered if Sam heard it too, or was I just going crazy?

"What's the matter?"

I snapped my head back towards Sam.

"Didn't you hear that?"

"Hear what?" he asked curiously, looking around like I did.

"Shh!" I put my hand over Sam's mouth and listened carefully.

A few seconds of silence later, loud clicking sounds filled the room once again. My hand fell from Sam's lips when a figure appeared in front of us. Jason.

"You got me real confused here, Cupcake," he said. "Are you with or not with this dude here? Or is he like one of your benefits?"

I sighed and took in Jason's appearance. He was still the same strikingly handsome guy as before, but older. His hair was spikier and now dirty blonde, while his sharp green eyes seemed to have gotten darker and his skin tanner. The shape of his body seemed bigger and his voice was a bit deeper than last time we met.

Next I looked down at what he was wearing, which was an all black outfit; black turtleneck sweater, black pants, with black combat boots. Around his waist he wore a black belt, which contained yet another gun with the red rose painted on it, but this time, there was no lucky charm.

A part of me actually kinda missed him and I knew he knew that, just by looking at the expression on my face. I stepped away from Sam and looked down at my feet.

"Jason-" I started, but was cut off.

"What are <i>you</i> doing here?" said Sam.

Jason scoffed and looked towards Sam.

"What does it look like I'm doing here?" he retorted.

"Listen you-"

"Sam! Don't. Please." I cut in.

"See ya, Cupcake." Jason leaned forward and kissed my cheek, then walked away.

I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking, then opened them and faced Sam.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, then I walked out of the room as well.

A/N: Heyy guyz, sry, but I dont think this story is really going to be getting into the 40s.

there's about 3 chs. left in this series, well sorta.

it mostly depends on the length of the chs.

I'll try to make them not too short & not too long as best as i can.

but, it's going to come to an end at some point.

& once again there will not be a sequel.

sry guyz. :D

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