Falling For My Best Friend's Sister {37}

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Lucky's POV:

In my dream, I could hear a light tapping noise. It seemed to me that it was coming from afar, but still it sounded so close to me. Where it was coming from and what was my dream even about, I had no idea. My mind was blank and there was nothing in front of me. All there was to see was just a dark emptiness that even scared me.

The taping noise didn’t stop and I didn’t like the sound of it. It annoyed me and I was just trying to sleep here. I wish it would just leave me alone, but it just wouldn’t shut up. I grew more and more tired as the noise just continued on and on.

I knew exactly what would make it stop, but I knew after I preformed it, I probably would never be able to go back to sleep. I told myself that it was worth it and it was a lot better than having to listen to that horrible noise.

I forced my eyes to snap open and at that same moment, the tapping noise immediately stopped. I sighed in relief and then sat up in my bed. I walked over to where I had kept my phone to go look at the time, when all of a sudden, a loud tap filled my ears.

I was so frightened by it, that I ended up jumping and almost dropped the phone from my hand.

My heartbeat quickened and I realized that this was no dream and instead the real deal right now. My eyes nervously flashed over to the window and I caught my breath as I saw a dark figure looming over it.

I put my phone back down on the table I had gotten it from and tried to think straight. My mind was all jumbled and it would continue to stay that way, unless I could figure out a way to calm myself down.

The curtains were up, so whoever was outside on the window sill couldn’t see me and I couldn’t see them. That was a good thing that means that I could use that as an advantage.

My hands shook along with my whole body as I looked around my room for something useful.

The only person who could be outside over there right now was Jason and I didn’t feel like taking the chances of going over there empty handed.

Danny’s old baseball bat came into view in my mind as I remembered where I had last kept it. I pushed my legs to move back towards my bed. I got down on my knees and reached my hand underneath it. My fingers fumbled over the different objects as they picked them up and then quickly dropped it back down on the ground. Finally, my fingertips felt the cold wooden part of the top and they work to quickly pull the bat towards me.

All of a sudden, it seemed to feel a lot heavier to me now than it did when I was ten years old. I pushed aside the feeling and then started to slowly advance towards the window.

I gulped and quickly unlatched the window and they burst open. That’s the first time that I saw what kind of weather was outside right now. It was so dark and cold; I was surprised that Jason was still out there waiting for me.

But Jason was a strong guy, always has been and always will be.

My hair blew around in my face and blinded me from what was right in front of me. I quickly pushed it back and waited to see what Jason would do. It was even darker in my room; I could barely see the bat in my hands. I wondered if Jason could see it too.

“Lucky!” I heard him hiss. “Lucky, where are you?”

Well, that proved it – he couldn’t see me and I couldn’t see me. He couldn’t see what was in his hands and if I were to run out of the room right now and go to Danny, I bet you he probably wouldn’t even notice. But, I just couldn’t bring Danny back into this, just so he could get hurt all over again.

Besides, Danny was too much of a heavy sleeper to even notice if the world was ending right this minute. Nothing would get him and he’d still be too tired for him to even focus on what was happening right now.

So, I guess it’d just be better if I let him take me hostage wherever he wanted me to and get whatever he wanted me to do over with. And maybe if I just tried to sit down and have a talk with him, maybe I could get him to leave me alone and just move back to Florida where he could find a new girl and live happily ever after...without me.

I backed up and watched as Jason jumped into my room with a loud thump!

All my bravery washed away and panic filled me up. My hands wobbled and the bat shook heavily in my hands. I did my best to raise the weapon over my head and just as I was about to slam it down on his head and call 911, I heard him say, “Lucky, it’s me, Sam.”


What the hell was Sam doing here at a time like this looking like-like some kind of burglar?!

I dropped the bat from my hands and clapped my hands twice, making the lights turn on. I saw him close his eyes tight and I had to do the same as black spots danced before my eyes. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the lights before I could see clearly. I saw Sam’s hair wet and some parts of it stuck to his forehead.

He looked so cute as he stood in front of me, his eyes moving along my face. His eyes seemed to be mesmerizing me as they locked with mine.

“I need to talk to you.” he finally said.

I gulped and then moved my eyes down. Through my eyelashes, I saw him look down at the ground and notice the bat next to my feet.

“About Jason.” he added.

I snapped my head up and back into his eyes. He was not just serious. He was dead serious. And I knew that wasn't a good thing.

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