Shiori's Leap

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There’s a dangerous criminal on the loose. The royal guards have put up wanted posters and set up checkpoints in and out of town to keep track of everyone. Apparently, she took down a whole squad after interference by someone on the sideline. 

Her hair is half black and half white, and her eyes are as gold as the coins the guards are offering for any information. Her identity is unmistakable, so you’re surprised she managed to evade everyone so far.

At least, that was the case until you see someone with that description trying to ditch her clothes in a hidden alleyway you always take as a shortcut back to your home. You both freeze when your eyes meet. She is definitely the person on all the posters. 

Her name is Shiori Novella.

“I didn’t want to see you. Not like this,” she says. Then, she sighs and turns away. “Stay here this time. It’s safer that way.”

She has a point. As far as you know, you’re living comfortably, life is simple, and she is a criminal. There is no reason to follow her…right?


Who are you kidding? 

Despite everything, you still care about her. 

She was right to be furious at the kingdom. The two of you had worked so hard to save the people here, and they threw you aside like yesterday’s garbage. 

“Nah, I’m good,” you smile at her. “Let’s go. I’m done trying to hide who I am and what I did to help these people. They can burn, they can all burn.”

Shiori looks back at you over her shoulder with an exasperated smirk. “That took less time than I expected. What happened?”

“The fact you expected it at all is… I don’t want to say impressive, but… yeah,” you sigh, then continue. “They blamed me for not being able to catch you, saying things like ‘You just didn’t try’ and ‘Why are you useless’ and-”

You’re interrupted by Shiori wrapping her arms around you, cradling your head with her hand, stroking your hair softly. It’s been a long time since the two of you have been close like this… You missed it, it’s… so nice.

“You’re not useless, and I can tell you tried. You almost cut me in half, after all,” she whispers in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. She takes a deep breath. “Let’s run away. We can duck through one of the crumbling walls in the slums, then… we’ll figure something out. Together. OK?” 

You pause, then wrap your arms around her gently. You almost forgot how slight she was, and how seemingly fragile she is. What you didn’t forget, though, is how easily she can… erase people… with no more than thought. You smile and nod.

“That sounds perfect. Let’s stop by my place first, I need to grab my go-bag. I prepped one for you, too, y’know? I was waiting for you… I was afraid you’d forget about me, what with all the other things you have to remember all the time.”

Her arms tighten around you, and Shiori buries her face in your shoulder. “... Dummy. I’d never forget you,” she sniffles. “Thank you… I like how you’re always taking care of me… Let’s go.”

The two of you let go of each other, and make your way back to your home, ducking between buildings, avoiding patrols on the way. Grabbing the go-bags, you hear the clattering and stomping of armor outside, and look at each other.

“That was… fast. How’d they know?” you think out loud. 

“They probably got it out of one of the kids in the area. Either by threat or gold,” Shiori huffs. “Oh well, nothing to do about it now, let’s go.”

“I have a backdoor that opens into an empty lot, we can go up to the roofs from there.”

“Wow, convenient! Let’s go!” she smiles. 

You nod and the two of you run out the back and up to the roofs. As you bound across the rooftops, you look over to see her smiling broadly, her eyes shining gold in the setting sun. She’s still so vibrant, maybe even more so, now that your lives are on the line. 

As if she can read your thoughts, she looks over at you. “I’m glad we’re together again. This is so much more fun, right?”

As she directs that blindingly bright smile at you, you can’t help but laugh with her. 

“It really is. I’m having more fun now, than I have in a while. Here’s to a lot more time together!” you holler as the two of you leap over the wall and land in the soft grass on the other side. The grass really is greener here. 

Shiori Novella One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now