What happened?
Before you can process how you're here, you take several deep breaths to calm down. You are alone on some train tracks that span far beyond your sight. There are endless green plains stretching beyond the horizon in every direction. A small breeze passes by to rustle each blade of grass as you spin around to survey your surroundings. You are in the middle of nowhere.
How did you get here? You rub your forehead as you try to remember. Your mind gets flooded with too many memories: a jail cell, a throne room, the edge of a pier watching the fireworks in the distance, and so much more. Yet in each of them, a single girl with two-toned white and black hair and bright topaz eyes stands out far more than anything else. Her name is Shi-
"You seem a little lost out here," says a girl's voice.
Hearing that comment makes you jump and turn to face the voice. The same girl from your memories meets your eyes as you're trying to figure out your timeline of events. She raises a hand to salute you while carrying a suitcase in the other arm.
"Hiya! You sure you look like you don't belong here," she continues.
Before you can get a word out, she starts walking on one of the wooden beams in the track, balancing herself with her outstretched arms. She stops and turns her head to look back at you.
"So, are you coming along then?"
"Um... Sure?" you shrug. "Better to move forward than just.. stand there, I guess."
Shiori smiles back at you and continues skipping along the tracks.
As the two of you walk down the tracks, you stepping on each slat and Shiori continuing to balance on the rail, you chat, and the paired laughter echoes across the plains. Nothing in particular is happening, but you're having the time of your life all the same.
"I wonder if it gets dark here..." you mutter offhandedly. "We've been walking awhile now, but the sun hasn't moved at all."
"Oh! It won't. This is a 'bookmarked' page, so it won't change until I want it to," Shiori giggles back. "We deserve a break! We've been through 63 stories in only a few months, we wouldn't wanna get burnt out, right?" She smiles at you over her shoulder.
"So... Is this like a dream, then?" you tilt your head.
"Kinda! Oh, and I guess this is the 64th, huh? Neat!" She giggles and continues moving forward.
A few more hours pass as you chat and reminisce together, when you blink, and suddenly, you're lying on the couch in Shiori's library again.
"Huh? But... Oh, she said it'd be like a dream.." you say to yourself.
"Yep! It was nice, right?" and there's Shiori, just to your side, offering some of her favorite green tea, with a wide grin.
"Yeah. Yeah, it was. Thank you Shiorin, for everything you do for us as Novelites. You'll never know just how much some of us appreciate you," you tell her, a wide grin of your own on your face.

Shiori Novella One-shots
Short StoryThis is a collection of one-shots based on Shiori Novella's writing prompts. It will be updated every day she uploads a writing prompt. The prompt itself will be separated from my response by "~". Cross-posted on AO3 Stories are based on prompts giv...