Breathing: normal. Mental condition: 87%. Status: stable.
There hasn't been a day like today in a while. The sun is out, people are enjoying their day in the park, and there isn't anything to worry you lately.
"Heyyyyyyyyy!" shouts a familiar voice.
You turn around to see her - Shiori. It feels like you've known her since the start of time considering how long you two have been friends. Before you can even say anything, she's already letting out a giggle. In return, you can't help but smile at how playful she can be at times.
"We finally got a day off to just touch grass - actual grass." She looks around as if trying to find something. "So, now that we're out here, what exactly do extroverts even do?"
She turns to you for answers.
"Hm. That's.... A really good question. Doesn't really fit either of us, right?" you smirk a little. "Well... Let's go get some tea at the cafe, and then sit at a bench?"
Shiori giggles and covers her mouth with her hand, as her hair swirls a bit in the wind.
"You're not wrong! But it's fun to try new stuff sometimes, right?" she smiles. "Tea does sound good, let's go for it!"
The two of you walk through the park toward, walking between families enjoying the day together, and couples walking along on what seem like dates. Just like the two of you. You start to blush at the thought.
Shiori notices you slowing down and turns back to look at you. Seeing you stopped, she walks back to you, grabs your hands, holding them, and looks up at you from up close.
"Hey, you ok?" she asks softly. "You're kind of red, are you overheating?"
"Uh... Embarrassment levels reached dangerous levels...." you mutter under your breath.
Shiori just smiles gently at you. "Oh yeah? Can I ask how come?"
You look at her golden eyes, watching you, free from judgment. She's the only who doesn't make fun of you and your way of coping.
"Not... right now... I kind of want to just go watch a mech anime again... It's... bright out here..." your voice trails off a little.
"Hm? But it's a bit cloudy... So it's not very bright, is it?" Shiori tilts her head, confused.
"Not like that... like..." you pause, seeing her expression. She's concerned about you, but she seems a little disappointed, too. "Nevermind, let's go get some tea, shall we? This mech needs some fluids replaced..." you smile weakly.
"Sounds great!" Her bright smile is a little blinding, but seeing her happy is... comforting.
Soon enough, the two of you return to the park, tea in hand.
"Well, let's find a bench. You wanted to sit and touch grass, right?" you ask, looking over at Shiori taking a sip of her tea. "Oh, wait... if we're on a bench, we're not really touching grass, are we?"
Another bell-like giggle rings out. "It's alright, let's go back and watch some anime," she looks up at you, with a soft and gentle grin.
"Wait, what? We haven't really spent much time outside..."
"It's ok, I think this was enough for both of us... We got some sun, we have tasty tea, and we get to go back and watch some anime! C'mon! We were at a really good spot, I'm curious to know what happens next!"
Shiori smiles and grabs your hand, pulling you along. You can't help but feel bad, but you're also grateful. Which feels rough, because you're grateful that you're going back, when she wanted to spend some time outside.
"Well, let's open up the sliding door and the windows so we can at least get some airflow and light, how's that?"
She giggles and nods, continuing to pull you.
"Sounds great!"

Shiori Novella One-shots
Short StoryThis is a collection of one-shots based on Shiori Novella's writing prompts. It will be updated every day she uploads a writing prompt. The prompt itself will be separated from my response by "~". Cross-posted on AO3 Stories are based on prompts giv...