Shiori Nyavella

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Shiori Novella, or Nyavella as she insists, now has cat ears. Somehow, this isn't that much of a surprise to you considering how often she spends time with felines. The story of the cat lady becoming an actual cat lady does make a lot of sense now that you think about it. Maybe this won't be so bad for her-it might even make her less shy if she's able to show off how much of a cat she is.

"I can't wait to look cute, scratch furniture, and avoid taxes. Wait, they don't tax cats, right?"

On second thought, maybe she's better suited to being an indoor cat.


"Last, I checked, no, they don't tax cats," you chuckle. "Some people avoid taxes, anyway, though."

Shiori tilts her head at you, thinking for a moment.

"But they get in trouble, right? That sounds like a pain," she scratches behind her ears. Her cat ears. "I'd rather just relax and be cute and scratch furniture. And avoid taxes."

"Shiori, you were cute before the cat ears, too. And you don't need to be a cat to scratch furniture," you mention, feeling your face heat up. "B-but, I like the cat ears, it's... a good look for you, being a cat lady and all."

Shiori just grins widely at you as your voice trails off and you withdraw into yourself, closing your eyes in embarrassment.

"Hmmmm? What's wrong?" she comes closer, tilting her head so she can see your face. "I wanna see your face, y'know?"

You feel cool, slender fingers touch both of your cheeks, caressing it and tilting your head up. You slowly open your eyes to see Shiori closer than you expected. It's not like she's 'kissing distance' close, but she is pretty close. You can feel her warmth from her standing so close.

"Hey, are you ok?" she asks softly. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad..."

"I-It's not your fault..." you stammer. "I kind of self-destructed..."

You feel your face heat up more and you swear that Shiori can your heart beating out of your chest.

"It's not like we've never been this close before, why is this affecting me so much now?" you think to yourself.

"How long are you... going to hold my face like this?" you manage to ask.

Shiori blinks for a couple seconds before realizing the position you're both in and letting go, backing up a bit, holding her hands in front of her chest.

"OH! Sorry! U-um..." Now it's Shiori's turn to blush.

"It's ok... I don't mind..." you whisper.

You can almost see steam coming from the top of her head as she looks down. She slowly reaches up and pulls on one of the ears.

For a moment, you think she's just scratching. But, you see the ears coming away from her head. They were a headband.

"Shiori with cat ears is dangerous..." you think to yourself.

"I guess this prank backfired... In a great way..." Shiori mutters under her breath, just loud enough for you to hear.

Shiori Novella One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now