Shiori's Sundae

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It's been a hot day. You can barely get a few steps out in the sun before feeling the rays burning your skin and the sweat dripping off your brows. You press onward, not willing to let the heat ruin the day you've set out with Shiori.

You look over to her as she closely trails behind you. Despite wearing all black, she remains cool and calm without a single bead of sweat or even reddening of skin in sight. How does she do it? You shake your head and resign yourself to the fact that maybe it's her genes. Suddenly she yanks your arm and drags you into an ice cream shop.

"Look! Look! They have a build-your-own-sundae! I see...vanilla, mint chocolate, and even squid ink!"

That last one worries you a bit, but as you look around, you see a vast variety of options-a sea of unique colors and textures are all ready to be scooped up and served. With a flush in her cheeks, Shiori looks at the ice cream vendor, then at you expectantly, hoping you can order for her instead.


"Hm... Let's see..." you think for a moment, the person behind the counter watching the two of you with a warm smile on their face.

Shiori notices the warm smile of the employee and tilts her head. You can't help but smile at her mannerisms before noticing a soft warmth pressing against your arm and the radiant heat of another body close by.

The employee's smile widens seeing you realize what's going on as your face flushes and you start fidgeting. Shiori looks up at you with her head tilted.

"What's wrong?" she asks softly, her soft voice a whisper in your ears.

"Uh... N-nothing..." you manage to get out.

You look down at the ice cream options in front of you and start trying to distract yourself from the pleasant feeling on your arm and side. You look over at Shiori and see her blushing too.

She knows what she's doing.

"So... We're gonna do two of those 'build-your-own-sundae' things, um... in cups," you start, trying to focus on ordering ice cream, but your attention keeps being dragged to Shiori nestled up against your side and hugging your arm.

"Of course, let's start with the first one. What three flavors would you like?" the employee asks, giggling to themselves at the two of you.

Shiori pokes your side.

Remembering when Shiori brought you in here and that she tends to point out the things she likes the most first, you know exactly what she wants.

"Let's do vanilla, mint chocolate, and squid ink," you say, confidently but the employee's expression falters a bit.

"A-are you... sure...?"

You look down at Shiori and she seems to be focusing on something else at the moment. Unable to confirm that you're right, you just nod.

"And for the other?" the employee forces a smile, as they start putting together the sundae.

"I'll do caramel, New York cheesecake, and... Vanilla," you smile.

"Alright, here's the two sundaes!"

You pay for them and, grabbing them, guide Shiori to a table near the door. On getting to the table, Shiori unhooks her arm from yours and your arm feels cold now. You place Shiori's sundae in front of her, and she just looks at it for a moment, then slowly looks up at you as you sit down across from her.

"What's this?" she asks, her voice low.

"A sundae, I got the flavors I thought you'd want, since you usually mention the things you like or are interested in first... Do you not like those flavors?" you feel your stomach drop when you think about disappointing Shiori.

"Oh! I forgot!" Shiori smiles at you, and you can feel your face flush again at seeing how happy she is. "Thank you."

You just nod, blushing hard, and start eating the sundae.

The two of you eat your sundaes in a comfortable, but a little tense, silence, under the watchful eye of the ice cream shop employee grinning at the two of you.

"Thanks for letting me experience this, Shiori... I wouldn't have if not for you..." you smile at her, and receive a smile in turn.

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