It looks like Shiori isn't doing the short form prompts anymore, and I don't have the time to do the comic strips what with what's going on irl, so I guess I'm done (for now, at least). Thanks to everyone for reading, and, hopefully, see you in the next thing!

Shiori Novella One-shots
Historia CortaThis is a collection of one-shots based on Shiori Novella's writing prompts. It will be updated every day she uploads a writing prompt. The prompt itself will be separated from my response by "~". Cross-posted on AO3 Stories are based on prompts giv...
It looks like Shiori isn't doing the short form prompts anymore, and I don't have the time to do the comic strips what with what's going on irl, so I guess I'm done (for now, at least). Thanks to everyone for reading, and, hopefully, see you in the next thing!