Admittedly, it's a bit lonely to be reading here by yourself. Sure, the library is quiet and relaxing, but there's nobody else to really enjoy reading with. At least you have all of these pages filled with stories and characters - like the one about a desperate knight trying to find his missing princess... only to turn out the princess was acting as the king the whole time. You grab more and more interesting titles off the shelves until you realize too late that you now have four mountains of books that conceal you from the rest of the library. Well, it's not a bad thing you suppose if you're able to at least feel like you can disappear for a few hours. As crazy and stressful as the world around you is, you can still take a breather, open a book, and remember that there's always the words on these pages to welcome you back to a warm, comfortable place.
You sit down, pick up a red leather book about magical girls, open up to the first page, and just as you begin to settle in for a long read, someone shuffles into the aisle as if looking for something. She twirls around as she looks between the shelves before her eyes lock onto your desk, scurrying over and taking a book from the middle of the stack. As she does you panic, but the books manage to fall into place and remain lined up-somehow, not seeing you at all, but that's probably because she immediately opens up the book and begins reading through it.
"Oh! That too! Also, that one!" she says. She grabs two more from your piles. As the stacks lower, she finally sees you behind the shrinking towers. She gasps and covers her mouth with the books. "Oh, sorry! Um...should I put them back?"
You jump a little at her attention, wanting to fall into the floor.
"Oh... U-um... N-no, t-t-that's ok..." you mutter quietly.
She smiles gently, and softly sets the books down before coming around and sitting on the same side of the table as you.
"What are you reading?" she asks quietly as she watches you carefully.
"N-n-nothing, just a s-story about m-magical girls..." you manage to squeeze out, looking down to avoid eye contact. You find yourself hating that you can't just talk normally with people. You wish you could be as open as some of your friends. *They* can talk to anyone, but you? You struggle to even talk to an employee at the bookstore, about something you enjoy.
Even though it took you longer to say that than it probably should have, the bookseller is still smiling gently, patiently.
"Really? That sounds interesting," she leans forward, bouncing a little distractingly, and you blush slightly. "Do you mind if I hide here and read a little with you? It's time for my break, so I was looking for something fun to read, and a nice place to read."
She waits for you to respond as you try to work out how to respond. Eventually, you manage to make yourself nod slightly.
"Thanks!" she giggles. "You made a great little castle here, I like it. Were you planning to read these here?"
"O-oh.... I should p-pay-"
"Don't worry about it, it's ok. People read here all the time, and it helps us too, by making us look busier!" the employee reassures you. "So, thank you!" she smiles warmly.
She picks up one of the books and starts to read, her face returning to a more relaxed demeanor. Catching yourself staring, you hurry to look back at your own book, diving back into your own little world, just you and the world in the story.
What feels like moments later, you feel a slight tap on your shoulder and jump, looking over and seeing the same employee from earlier.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you... There, there..." she gently coaxes you into relaxing a little. "You didn't seem to hear me, but we're closing soon, so-"
"?!!?" you drop the book and stand up as quickly as you can. "I'msosorry! I'llputtheseawayandleaverightnow!"
"Hey, hey, it's ok, I was just going to say that you can leave those there, and come back tomorrow..." she looks down and blushes slightly. "If... that's ok? I really enjoyed reading with you..." she almost whispers the last part.
You take a deep breath to try and calm down. As you take several deep breaths, you can feel your heart threatening to beat out of your chest, but gradually steadying into a more sustainable rhythm.
"I-I'd... like that..." you mutter, blushing slightly and looking down.
"Great!" she beams. "By the way, my name's Shiori, it's really nice to read with you!"

Shiori Novella One-shots
NouvellesThis is a collection of one-shots based on Shiori Novella's writing prompts. It will be updated every day she uploads a writing prompt. The prompt itself will be separated from my response by "~". Cross-posted on AO3 Stories are based on prompts giv...