Chapter 7| Date? Not A Date?

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a few years later

It was a calm day no Eggman attack no alien invasion no ancient beings acting vengeance just a normal day but things were odd though Amy was not chasing Sonic

Sonic| Hey tails have you seen Amy today

Tails| No, Sonic. I haven't seen her. Maybe she's busy with something today.

Sonic scratched his head, feeling a bit uneasy.

Sonic| Yeah, you're probably right. Just feels weird not having her chasing me around.

Tails chuckled.

Tails| Aren't you happy you're not getting muttered in kisses or hugs

Sonic grinned, leaning against a tree.

Sonic| Well, yeah, it's a nice change, but it's also kinda... quiet.

As Sonic pondered the unusual calmness, Knuckles and Cream joined in.

Knuckles| Hey guys have you seen Amy we had a sparring session today plus she was supposed to babysit Cream now Vanilla had me do it ugh

Tails| No one's seen her today. Maybe she got caught up in something important.

Cream| Miss Amy is usually very punctual. I hope she's okay.

Sonic, feeling a bit concerned, decided to check Amy's house.

Sonic| I'll swing by her place and see what's up. Maybe she lost track of time or something.

As Sonic arrived at Amy's house, he noticed that the door was slightly ajar. A sense of worry crept over him as he cautiously entered.

Sonic| Amy? Are you in here?

The house was quiet, and Sonic couldn't find any sign of Amy. He started to check various rooms, growing increasingly uneasy.

Sonic| Where could she be?

.just then he saw a note on the fridge

Sonic grabbed the note from the fridge and quickly read Amy's message:

Amy's Note| Hey whoever's reading this I'm at work, and yes I took a job since my food supplies were dependent on people's donations whenever we stopped Eggman and I don't want to burden vanilla so I took a job. Ps I hope Sonic is reading this eeekkkk um hehe bye

Sonic's expression shifted from concern to surprise as he processed Amy's note. He couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, realizing the reasons behind her absence.

Sonic| Well, that explains it. Amy got a job, huh? Good for her, but... kinda miss the chaos.

Sonic grinned, realizing the irony of missing the chaos that Amy's pursuits usually brought.

Sonic| Guess I'll have to get used to this quieter version of Green Hill. Good on her for being independent, though. Well no use wallowing about it, you know what this is a perfect time to work on my music hehe

Sonic decided to make the most of the quiet day and headed to Tails' workshop, where he kept his guitar. As he strummed a few chords, Tails and Knuckles joined him

Sonic| Sound the alarm. Shatter me like glass. Covered in scars. But roses are coming through the cracks

Tails| That's a pretty catchy tune, Sonic. Did you come up with that just now?

Sonic| Yeah, just messing around. Sometimes it's nice to have a break from all the running and saving the world.

Knuckles| Roses is that Amy in your song

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