Chapter 21| Side Story 2| Royals And Peasants

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*sonamy story in the medieval era I'll try to sound like an English person*

In the bustling streets of medieval London, a young commoner named Amy Rose she diligently tended to her father's modest shop. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air as she arranged loaves on the counter, her adoptive younger sister, Trip the Sungazer, humming a merry tune beside her.

Amy| Trip, be a dear and fetch me more flour from the back, will you?

Trip| Aye, Amy! I'll be right quick about it.

As Trip hurried off to the back of the shop, Amy glanced out the window and saw the lively street filled with merchants and townsfolk going about their daily business. The clatter of horse-drawn carts and the chatter of people filled the air.

Trip| Aye, Amy! I'll be right quick about it.

As Trip hurried off to the back of the shop, Amy glanced out the window and saw the lively street filled with merchants and townsfolk going about their daily business. The clatter of horse-drawn carts and the chatter of people filled the air.

Just then, the door swung open, and in walked her older brother Knuckles

Knuckles| Good morrow, Amy! I see the shop is bustling as ever.

Amy| Indeed, Knuckles. Father's bread is the finest in London, and the townsfolk know it well.

Knuckles| Speaking of which, I must speak with Father. Have you seen him?

Amy| he's with mother in the next town over selling his new treats

Knuckles| Ah, I see. Always busy, our family.

Amy| Indeed. And what news do you bring, brother?

Knuckles| I bring word of a grand tourney to be held in the coming days. Knights from all corners of the realm shall gather to prove their mettle.

Amy| A tourney? How exciting! Will you be participating?

Knuckles| Aye, I shall. 'Tis my duty and my honor. But there is more to it. Prince Sonic Princess Sonia and Prince Manic are expected to attend. 'Tis said the royal family seeks to find the bravest and most skilled knight in all the land.

Amy| The royal family, you say? How thrilling! I have heard many tales of Prince Sonic's bravery and kindness.

Knuckles| Ah yes the tales of his bravery truth but exaggerated a tad too much is you me tis true he is brave and kind but he and his siblings can be rush do things on a whim

Amy| Exaggerated or not, it would be an honor to witness such nobility in person. And who knows, perhaps one of them may even favor our humble shop with a visit.

Trip came back with two sacks of flour, nearly stumbling over her own feet in excitement.

Trip| Brother! Brother! You're here

Knuckles turned with a grin, catching Trip before she toppled over.

Knuckles| Easy there, Trip! Excited as ever, I see.

Trip| Aye, brother! Can you train me now you promised

Knuckles chuckled, ruffling Trip's hair affectionately.

Knuckles| Aye, I promised, and a promise I shall keep. But first, let us finish our duties here. Amy, do you need any help with the bread?

Amy| Nay, brother, we're nearly finished here. Trip, help me with the last few loaves, and then you and Knuckles can train to your heart's content.

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