Chapter 20| Side Story| Nicky The Hedgehog Part 2

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Weeks passed and Nicky/Sonic finally woke up he saw Tails sleeping on a chair near his bedside

As Nicky/Sonic slowly blinked his eyes open, the first thing he noticed was the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the window, casting warm rays across the hospital room. He shifted slightly in the bed, wincing at the soreness that still lingered in his body from the lightning strike.

His gaze wandered around the room, taking in the familiar sight of the hospital equipment and the quiet stillness of the early morning hour. But it wasn't until he turned his head to the side that he saw Tails, slumbering peacefully in a chair beside his bed.

Nicky/Sonic couldn't help but smile at the sight of his friend, feeling a surge of gratitude welling up inside him. Despite everything he had been through, Tails had stayed by his side, offering unwavering support and companionship throughout his ordeal.

Nicky| (softly) Hey, Tails.

Tails stirred awake at the sound of Nicky/Sonic's voice, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he blinked away the last remnants of sleep.

Tails| Huh? Oh, hey Nicky! You're awake!

Tails' face lit up with relief as he sat up straighter in his chair, his eyes shining with joy at the sight of his friend awake and alert.

Nicky| Hey do you know why I'm in the hospital

Tails nodded, a worried expression crossing his face as he recalled the events that had landed Nicky/Sonic in the hospital.

Tails| Yeah, you got struck by lightning, buddy. It was... it was pretty scary.

Nicky| Oh right I was going to Amy's house... Oh no please tell me Amy is not too worried about me

Tails smiled reassuringly, placing a comforting hand on Nicky/Sonic's shoulder.

Tails| Why don't you find out for yourself

Tails pulled up his phone and showed Nicky/Sonic a message from Amy.

Tails| Look, she's been texting me non-stop, asking for updates on your condition. I think she'll be relieved to know that you're awake.

Then they heard a knock on the door

Blaze| Hey tails are still up it's my turn to watch Nicky

Tails got up and opened the door for Blaze then Blaze saw Nicky/Sonic

Blaze| Oh you're awake

Nicky| Um are you a friend of Tails

Blaze chuckled at Nicky/Sonic's question, shaking her head as she approached his bedside.

Blaze| Nah, I'm not just a friend of Tails. I'm Blaze, Amy's best friend

Nicky/Sonic's eyes widened in surprise as he realized who Blaze was. He had heard Amy talk about her best friend before, but he had never actually met her in person.

Nicky| Oh, you're Blaze! Amy's mentioned you before. It's nice to finally meet you.

Blaze smiled warmly at Nicky/Sonic, her eyes filled with genuine concern as she studied him.

Blaze| Likewise, Nicky. I'm glad to see that you're awake. How are you feeling?

Nicky| (rubbing the back of his head) Well, a bit sore, to be honest. But I guess that's to be expected after getting struck by lightning, right?

Blaze| Yeah, I'd say so. You had us all really worried there for a while. Amy's been beside herself with worry.

Nicky/Sonic's heart clenched at the thought of Amy's worry, a pang of guilt washing over him as he realized the pain he must have caused her.

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