Chapter 22| Side Story 2| Royal Problem

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A few days had passed since the excitement of the tournament, and life in the bakery returned to its usual rhythm. Amy found comfort in the familiar routine of kneading dough, shaping loaves, and tending to the ovens alongside her parents. The gentle hum of activity filled the air as they worked side by side, a sense of camaraderie and contentment settling over them like a warm blanket.

As she carefully shaped a loaf of bread, Amy couldn't help but smile at the memories of the tournament still fresh in her mind. The thrill of watching her brother compete, the unexpected arrival of Prince Sonic, and the camaraderie that had formed between them all lingered in her thoughts, filling her with a sense of joy and gratitude.

Mother| Pass me the baskets, will you, Amy

Amy handed the woven baskets to her mother, her hands moving with practiced ease as she assisted in preparing the bread for baking.

Amy| Here you go, Mother.

Mother| Thank you, dear. Your help is much appreciated.

Her father entered the bakery with loads full of ingredients

Amy greeted her father with a warm smile as he entered the bakery, his arms laden with sacks of flour and baskets of fresh produce. The scent of ripe fruits and hearty grains filled the air, mingling with the aroma of baking bread to create a symphony of enticing smells.

Father| Good morrow, my loves! How fares the bakery this fine day?

Amy| All is well, Father. The dough is rising nicely, and the ovens are ready for baking.

Father| Excellent! Let us waste no time, then. We have bread to bake and customers to serve.

a few hours later it was mid-day

Amy| Mother, father may I be excused it is time for Prince Sonic's training with Knuckles and they asked me to join them

Mother| Of course, dear. You go and enjoy your time with Prince Sonic and your brother. We'll manage here just fine.

Father| Aye, go on and have fun, Amy. We'll hold down the fort while you're away.

With her parents' blessings, Amy hurriedly finished her tasks in the bakery and bid her family farewell. She made her way toward her parents' home first to grab something

as she entered the house she went quickly to her room and grabbed her giant hammer she happily called Piko Piko

With her trusty giant hammer, Piko Piko slung over her shoulder, Amy set off to meet her brother and Prince Sonic for their training session. The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the village as Amy made her way through the familiar streets.

As she walked, Amy couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within her. The prospect of training alongside her brother and the crown prince filled her with anticipation, and she couldn't wait to see what the day would bring.

Finally, Amy arrived at the training grounds, where Knuckles Trip and Sonic were already waiting. Knuckles greeted her with a grin, his eyes lighting up at the sight of her.

Knuckles| Ah there she is I told you my friend she will come

Sonic turned, his face breaking into a wide smile as he saw Amy approaching with her hammer.

Sonic| Greetings, Lady Amy! It is a pleasure to see you again. And might I say, that is quite an impressive weapon you carry.

Amy| Thank you, Your Highness. 'Tis my Piko Piko Hammer, and it serves me well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31 ⏰

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