Chapter 15| Neo Metal

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Neo Metal Sonic | Even with that form you are no match for me

Sonic's eyes flashed with determination as he faced off against Neo Metal Sonic, his super form radiating with power and determination.

Sonic| We'll see about that, Metal. Let's finish this!

With a powerful leap, Sonic launched himself at Neo Metal Sonic, their clash echoing throughout the room as they traded blows with incredible speed and strength.

Meanwhile, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles soared through the sky, their super forms granting them incredible speed and agility as they raced toward Eggman's fleet.

Amy| (determined) We need to stop that fleet before they reach Soleanna!

Tails| (analyzing the fleet) I'm scanning for weak points in their defenses. Knuckles, and Amy, target their main engines. We need to cripple their mobility.

Knuckles| We got no time to find those tails let's just punch everything

Knuckles flew to the closest ship and punched it so hard the entire ship exploded

Amy| Come on Knuckles you got to be more delicate than that

Amy flew to a ship and used her fortune cards then tossed the cards into the air then used her Piko Piko hammer to hit the cards at light speed and cut the ship in halves

Tails| Oh well that works too

Tails flew to a ship and rammed his head through the ship's thrusters

Knuckles| Nice one tails but we got to go faster look how much we have to destroy

As Amy, Tails, and Knuckles continued their assault on Eggman's fleet, they quickly realized the magnitude of the task before them. The fleet seemed endless, with ships upon ships stretching out into the horizon.

Amy| I have an idea let's use the Chaos emeralds powers we used during our adventure in Northstar islands

Amy held the blue chaos emerald

Amy| Avatar

Then out of nowhere, there were clones of Amy everywhere

Amy| clones attack

As the clones of Amy surged forward, they unleashed a coordinated assault on Eggman's fleet, targeting key strategic points and overwhelming the enemy with their sheer numbers and determination. With each clone wielding the power of the Chaos Emeralds, their attacks were devastating, tearing through the enemy ships with ease.

Tails and Knuckles looked at each other with a knowing look

Knuckles held the red chaos emerald

Knuckles| bullet

Knuckles transformed into a fireball and launched himself like a blazing comet through the enemy fleet, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. His fiery form cut through the ships like a hot knife through butter, reducing them to smoldering wreckage in a matter of seconds.

Meanwhile, Tails held the white chaos emerald

Tails| extra

Tails spun his tails faster then tornadoes appeared and flew toward the ships

As the tornadoes tore through the remaining ships, Tails expertly guided them, ensuring minimal collateral damage while maximizing the destruction of Eggman's fleet. The combined efforts of Amy's clones, Knuckles' fiery rampage, and Tails' whirlwind assault quickly turned the tide of battle.

Back on the flagship Sonic and neo-metal Sonic traded blows

Neo Metal Sonic| You may have allies, Sonic, but you cannot defeat me alone not anymore

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